Baroque- concerto grosso (2) Flashcards
his music represents the ultimate in Baroque craftsmanship and the culmination of hundreds of years of polyphonic writing.
Johann Sebastian Bach
What were Bach's notable VOCAL genres? A. sacred and secular cantata B. sacred and secular sonata C. oratorio, passion D. individual mass movements E. full mass settings F. solo voice and organ
A. sacred and secular cantata
C. oratorio, passion
D. individual mass movements
What are Bach's notable INSTRUMENTAL genres? A. orchestral B. chamber C. harpsichord and clavichord D. pianoforte/ kalvier E. violin F. organ
A. orchestral
B. chamber
C. harpsichord and clavichord
F. organ
Did Bach pioneer new musical genres?
did not create new genres but perfected existing genres
Which genre is Bach considered the master of?
Bach was a great master of what art?
great master of the art of counterpoint, demonstrating ultimate control of polyphonic textures
In what genres did Bach use counterpoint?
used contrapuntal texture within other genres (for example, fugal passages in opening movement of Cantata 80 and in opening movement of Brandenburg Concerto no. 2)
What were the German influences on Bach’s music?
German influences: simple homophony and complex polyphony
What were the French influences on Bach’s music?
French influences: dance rhythms, French overtures, ornamentation
What were the Italian influences on Bach’s music?
Italian influences: lyricism of arias, dynamic instrumental style
Which level did Bach mainly compose for on the keyboard?
composed keyboard music for all levels of difficulty, from elementary level pieces for students to concert works requiring the highest level of technical and musical mastery
How did Bach organize his compositional works?
organized large-scale works systematically (for example, the movements in Cantata 80 feature an arch form, while the preludes and fugues in The Well-Tempered Clavier are ordered chromatically by key: C major, C minor, C sharp major, C sharp minor, D major, D minor, etc.)
True or False?
Bach wrote many ‘singles’ in his day: Prelude and Fugue in C major, Cantata in Eb minor, and The Harmonious Blacksmith, to name a few.
Bach composed many sets of works (for example, 15 two-part inventions, 15 three-part inventions, six English suites, six French suites, six partitas for keyboard)
True or False?
composed many sacred works for the Lutheran Church
composed many sacred works for the Lutheran Church (chorale settings, cantatas, passions)
What independent mass movements did Bach compose?
composed several independent movements and Kyrie-Gloria settings, as well as the Mass in B Minor to Latin texts
What is the major premise of a concerto or a concerto grosso?