Bandura Ross & Ross Flashcards
What does transmission of aggression mean?
The learning of behaviour through observing and imitating others
What did previous studies conclude about transmission of aggression?
That children imitate adults when they think nobody is wtaching
What were some qualitative data collected?
“Al’s a good socker, he beat up Bobo. I want to sock like Al.”
“Punch your nose. He’s a good fighter like Daddy.”
Which one of the four hypothesis were proved to be true after collecting the results?
Subjects exposed to aggressive models would reproduce aggressive acts resembling those of their models
What were the results of the true hypothesis?
Watching an aggressive model makes you more aggressive
How were the ppt’s pre-tested?
Physical aggression
Verbal aggression
Aggression towards inanimate objects
Aggression inhibition
How many ppt’s took part and where were they from?
72 boys and girls from Stanford University Nursery school
How many conditions were there?
Control group
*24 ppt’s in each
What happens at stage one of the procedure?
Children played with potato prints, picture stickers and tinker toys for 10 minutes - there was an aggressive condition and non-aggressive
What happens at stage two of the procedure?
*Mild aggression arousal stage
children were allowed to play with attractive toys for 2 minutes but they were then taken away from them and told that they were reserved for other boys and girls. However they could play with any of the other toys in the next room.
Why did they introduce a mild aggression arousal stage?
To see if the aggressive or non-aggressive model in the first stage had an affect on the way they played with toys they’ve never seen before.
What happens at stage 3 of the procedure?
This lasted 20 minutes in total and children were observed at 5 minute intervals on the way they interacted with the aggressive and non-aggressive toys.
What were the aggressive toys in stage 3?
3ft high Bobo-doll
Dart guns
What were the non-aggressive toys in stage 3?
Tea sets
What was the aim of the experiment?
To demonstrate that learning can occur through observation of a model and that imitation of learned behaviour can occur in the absence of that model
What method was used?
Laboratory experiment
What design was used?
Matched participants design
What was the IV of this study?
Whether the child witnessed an aggressive or a non-aggressive adult model
The sex of the model (male or female)
The sex of the child (boy or girl)
What was the DV of this study?
The amount of imitative behaviour and aggression shown by the child in phase three