Balance Testing - Class 8 Flashcards
almost all neurological issues will have
balance affected
we should complete a balance assessment on
a pt with a neuro dz/disorder
history of falls
complaints of dizziness or vertigo
definitions of balance
ability to receive afferent sensory input and organize it in an appropriate manner to maintain
upright posture and COG over to BOS
** must have appropriate strength as well**
what systems play a role in balance
proprioception and kinesthesia
we rely heavily on vision
big problems in 6th generation +
awareness of head into space
testing somatosensory
superficial and deep sensory assessment
vision testing
CN testing of 2,3,4,6
strategies for balance
automatic postural responses
3 automatic postural responses
automatic postural responses
to keep COG over BOS
occurs rapidly, not under volitational control
3 automatic postural responses
ankle strategy
hip strategy
stepping strategy
ankle strategy
distal to proximal muscle response
when is ankle strategy used
when the sway is small, slow and near midline
ankle strategy example
anterior to posterior push will cause DF
vice versa