Bacterio10 Flashcards
Fusobacterium necrophorum and treponema palidum are ——
Treponema pallidum is the main cause of —— and requires a —– microscope to bee seen, has only a —— reservoir and mainly it is a gram —– bacteria
Dark field
——– are flagella and at the end we have ——- , it’s an ——– component unlike all the other, it’s present between ——-
Basal body
Cell wall and outer membrane
Role of cardiolipin
Immunopathological and cross reactivity
Damage of heart
T or F
Treponema pallidum have endotoxic activity
Transmission of trep
Access to dc or macrophages Broken skin Mucosa (wound or not) Body fluids Mainly sexual Congenitally By blood
T or F
Treponema have transposons
No resistance
Tx of treponema
Secondary latentand tertiary syphilus are mainly ——
Describe primary syphilus
Most infectious with the secondary
Chancre (hard)
After sexual contact with person that have syphilus ha yser invasion lal blood (bacteremia)
After 3 weeks bser eendu papule byrja3 ulcer (volcano’s creater) hard and painlessss (aam tehru2 btku herpes)
Ulcers : external genetelia, mouth anus (matrah ma fe sexual activity)
Mesh l kl byamel ulcer (le byaamel bekun lucky)
Bs le byaamel ulcer bekun most infectious
Syphilus destroy lumen of small vesells (no necrosis) this will help in immunopathological reactions
Regional lymphadenopathy (not painful , bilateraaaal (mesh mtl ducreyi) , firm and not suppurative (unlike ducreyi)
Without treatment the patient can be cured
Immunity onlyyyy to chancre
Secondary syphilus
After1-2- 3 month of immunity to chancre the patient will develop flu like illness myalgia headache….
Lymphadenopathy not only in inguinal
Generalized macculopapular rash (even on feet and hands)
No palm and soles not syphilus
Alopecia : no hair , patchy hair loss (an be the only manifstation without the rash)
Condylomas (wart like ) mmkn nle2ehn bl 3en w bada 2 organisms bs la taaml l disease
Feha taamel hepatomegaly splenomegaly retinitis glomerulonephritis
Tertiary syphilus
Gummas growth (skin bone and liver), granulomatous Cardiovascular system (aortitis,aneurysm) Neurosyphilis (akhtar mn dementia)
Tests for latent syphilus
Serology (agg tests)
VDRL TPHA RPR (rapid plasma reagent) Have relation with cardiolipin FTA most accurate
T or F
After latent syphilus 30% will heal and 70 will develop tertiary syphilus
False reversed
In latent syphilus there is —— of —— symptoms
Reccurence of secondary syphilus symptoms in 25% of individuals
Congenital syphilus is before 2 years caused by —– and after 2 years (late ) if ——- can cause :
Both caused by the mother (transplacentally or by exchange of fluid) Cleft palate (osteitis) Abortion or still birth (because of neonatal cardiac problems) Hutchinson teeth Mulberry cusp Saddle nose Frontal bossing Stigmata (will live forever with it)