Bacterial Infections Flashcards
impetigo is caused by (2 bacteria)
streptococcus pyogenes
staphylococcus aureus
most cases of impetigo arise in _____ skin
non-bullous impetigo
-more contagious
-more common
-vesicles rupture + crusty
treatment of non-bullous impetigo
remove crust with cloth soaked in warm soapy water before applying medication
topical mupirocin
bullous impetigo
-staph aureus
-poorly sanitized towels in hospitals
-large flaccid bullae
treatment of bullous impetigo
systemic antibiotics
are most cases of pharyngitis and tonsillitis viral or bacterial?
common viral pathogens for pharyngitis and tonsillitis?
if pharyngitis / tonsillitis is viral…
clinical features of viral pharyngitis?
-no fever
-runny nose
cause of bacterial strep throat
group A, B-hemolytic streptococci
how strep throat spreads
droplet contamination directly
fomites and food contaminated by droplets
clinical features of strep throat
-winter / early spring
-sudden onset
-temperature 101-104 deg
-sore throat
-palatal petichiae
-regional lymphadenopath
diagnosis of strep
rapid antigen detection (less reliable than throat swab)
management of strep throat
-usually self limiting
-still give antibiotics to prevent further conditions
etiology of scarlet fever
-systemic infection begins with streptococcal tonsillitis / pharyngitis
bacterial cause of scarlet fever
group A, B-hemolytic streptococci
clinical features of scarlet fever
-skin rash that looks like sunburn with goosebumps
-white strawberry tongue (first few days)
-red strawberry tongue (day 4-5)
laboratory diagnosis of scarlet fever
rapid antigen detection test
treatment of scarlet fever
-rash clears in 1 weak - skin desquamates over period of 2-3 weeks
tonsillar concretions
crypts filled with desquamated debris, food, bacteria
clinical features of tonsillar stones
-no pain, foreign object sensation
-enlarged crypts filled with creamy yellow calcified material
-surrounding tonsillar tissue uninflamed
-may contribute to halitosis
radiographic presentation of tonsillar stones
superimposed over ramus of mandible
management of tonsillar stones
if asymptomatic, no treatment necessary
gargling with salt water
remove by curetting
bacterium of diptheria
corynebacterium diphtheriae
preventative measures to boost immunity to diphtheria
immunization (tdap / PDT)
incubtation of diphtheria
1-5 days
clinical features of diphtheria
-hemorrhagic or mucoid discharge
-tonsils have patchy, yellow / white film
-gray membrane extends to involve soft palate (NECROSIS)
-bull neck
toxin related clinical features of diphtheria
-neuropathy and paralysis of oculomotor, facial, pharyngeal, diaphragmatic, intercostal muscles
diagnosis of diphtheria
clinical presentation is characteristic
swab under membrane
treatment for diphtheria
treat in early phases!!
antitoxin and antibiotics
cure confirmation of diphterhia
cure confirmation requires 3 consecutive negative cultures