Bacterial GI II (lec 6) Flashcards
Shigella causes?
inflammation of large bowel
mod D to severe dysentery
Shigella microbe characteristics?
G- rod nonspore facultative anaerobe nonmotile nonlactose fermenting
invade colon epith cells
person-to-person transmission
Course of Shigellosis?
fever, cramps, V/D –>
blood, mucous and PMN in stools
Shigella complications?
Reiter Synd
Reiter’s Synd?
acute inflammatory arthritis
inflamm eye dz
a/w HLA-B27 pts
Salmonellae microbe characteristics?
G- rod nonspore fac anaerobe motile nonlactose forming
Salmonellae presentation?
sudden onset
fever, V/D
2-3 days
Salmonellae diagnostics?
micro = fecal leukocytes»_space; PMN
Fluorescent Antibody test
serology typing
Salmonellae tx?
Salmonellae vs. Shigella?
high dose microbe (need lots for dz), food/water transmission, (P) pets, carrier up to 1 yr vs p-to-p carrier for 2 mo
C. difficile causes?
pseudomemranous colitis (PMC) antibiotic-induced dz
C. diff microbe characteristics?
G+ rod
C. diff presentation? (3 types)
1) D w/ mild cramping, no systemic sxs
2) severe colitis w/o pseudo (D w/ systemic sxs)
3) PMC (severe sxs + elevated yellow plaques in mucosa)
C. perfringens type A causes?
moderate D dz/short duration
C. perfringens microbe characteristics?
G+ rod nonmobile aerotolerant anaerobe spore high dose