Bacteria 🦠 Flashcards
Bacteria range in size from :
0.2 - 2U ( breath )
2 - 10U ( length )
Smallest bacteria 🧫
Mycoplasma range in size from ?
Cell wall is absent in ?
Archaeo bacteria donot contain ?
Size of bacteria 🧫 in single dimension🔅
0.1 - 600 nm
Cell wall 🧱
- rigid
- determines shape
- protects from osmotic lysis
- made up of peptigoglycan
Who developed the technique of gram staining?
Christian Gram 💕
Role of capsule :
Adherence of bacteria 🦠🧫
Which provides pathogenicity and protects from phagocytosis?
Slime capsule
Flagella function :
▶️ no microtubules
▶️ Flagellin — protein
▶️ Spin movement ( 360°) +ve and -ve
▶️ Helps in motility
▶️ Originate from basal body , a structure beneath cell membrane
▶️ rigid
Nucleoid function :
Single , circular dsDNA
Total abscence of nuclear membrane , nucleoplasm , nucleolus o.
Mesosomes function?
✓invagination of cell membrane
✓in the form of vescicles , lamellae , tubules
✓ replication , cell - division , respiration , export of enzyme , photosynthesis , nitrogen fixation
Plasmid function
✓small fragment of extra genetic material dsDNA
✓serves as vectors for genetic engineering
✓ ribosomes —- ☑️
Pilli function
🦪 hollow , filamentous appendages smaller than flagella
🦪 It helps in conjugation
🦪 Made up of special protein — pilin
The structure which allows bacterium to survive extended period of heat / dryness ?
Cell membrane function:
✓Lies inside cell wall ( Lipid+ protein )
✓act as respiratory structure as mitochondria is absent ❎
Shapes of Bacteria 🦠🧫
✔️ cocci ( non - flagellated )
❤️ Monococcus ⚪
❤️ Diplococcus 🟢🟢 (pair / two)
❤️ Tetrad (4 )🔘🔘🔘🔘
❤️ Streptococcus (chain like ) ⛓️
❤️ Staphylococci (grape like )🍇
❤️sarcina (octet) 🎱
Examples of shapes of Bacteria :
💮 vibrio / comma – vibrio cholera
💮 Cocci —- Streptococcus Pneumoni / neisseria meningitidis a
💮Bacilli —- E.coli /Pseudomonas
💮spirilla : Treponema palladium
Phases of Growth
enzyme present in alimentary canal bacteria of herbivores which help in the digestion of cellulose is ?
Cellulase ( present in appendix or in caecum of goat )
Who discovered technique of conjugation
Laderburg and Tatum ( 1946 )
Who discovered technique of transduction ?
Laderburg and zinder ( 1952 )
Transformation technique was discovered by
Fred Griffith ( 1928 )
Riboflavin is discovered by
Pathogenic bacteria considered as
Invisible enemies of men
E.coli is used in / as ?
🌼 Insulin
🌼 Growth hormones
Sexually transmitted diseases are transferred through
👉Blood fluid
👉 saliva
👉body fluid
👉reproductive ejacuation
E.coli is found in ?
Moist heat help in
Coagulation of protein
Dry heat help in ?
Oxidation of chemical constituents
First antibiotic discovered from ?
Fungi ( 1940 ) —- penicillin
Nucleoid is visible in light microscope after staining with
Feulgen stain
Dormant thick wall desiccation resistant body is
Bacterial spore are ?
👻 heat resistant
👻 desiccation resistant
👻 May be Endo /exo spore
Prokaryotes has ?
70s ribosomes
Eukaryotes have
80s ribosomes
Streptomycin is used :
Against bacterial infection
Athlete’s foot is caused by ?
Example of aerobic bacteria
Example of anaerobic bacteria
Example of facultative bacteria
E coli
Example of microaerofilic bacteria
Camphylo bacter
Gram positive have thickness
Gram Negative have thickness
Chemical used on living tissues that inhibit the growth of microorganisms
Oxidizing and reducing agents which inhibit the growth and use on non living organism are
Example of symbiotic bacteria is
Rhizobium radicuola — occurring as symbiont in nodulated roots of leguminous plants ☘️🌵 E.g pisum sativum
Spirillum is ?
Thick / rigid / spiral
Spirochete is ?
Thin / flexible / spiral
Cell envelope of bacteria includes
{ capsule , slime , cell wall 🧱 }
What are chemotherapytic agent
Chemicals and antibiotics ( vaccines ) destroy natural defense and stop the growth of bacteria microbes
Which are used in sterilization process
Gamma rays
Permanent discloration of teeth is caused by
Darkly stained nucleus
Heat sensitive / antibiotics sterilized by ?
Membrane filters
Edward Jenner discovered vaccine against ( 1796 )
Small pox
The S in 70 or 80 ribosomes stands for ?
Which is used as nitrogen fertilizer in agriculture and for inreasing soil fertility
Nostoc anabena
Intestinal disorder occurs in ?
Bacterial cell wall lack
Q) when the division of cells in three planes the arrangement is known as ?
Gut living symbiont e.coli is found ?
Rod shaped
Treatment by using attenuated culture of bacteria
Name the nutrition resulted by feeding on dead and decay matter
Functionally measosomes can be compared with?
The structure which contain gene for drug resistance in bacteria are