B6 - Preventing & Treating Disease ✅ Flashcards
laboratory-produced molecules made to serve as substitute antibodies that can restore or mimic the immune system’s attack on cells that aren’t wanted, such as cancer cells.
Protein molecule made by white blood cells to fight
pathogens. Each antibody has a specific active site which connects to a pathogen
A molecule found on the surface of cells (or viruses), often
made of protein. Antibodies, if they are the right sort,bind
to antigens
Type of white blood cell that makes antibodies.
Non-spesific defences
defences that prevent pathogens from entering the body.
How does the nose defend the body?
The nose has hairs and mucus to trap microorganisms so they don’t get any further into the body
How does the skin defend the body?
the bodies largest organ .Our main barrier against pathogens getting in.
How do the trachea and bronchi defend the body ?
They also contain mucus. This traps microorganisms that are breathed in, and the mucus, again, can be swallowed harmlessly.
How does the stomach defend the body?
The stomach produces hydrochloric acid at pH 2, which kills most microorganisms that are
what is phagosytosis?
The engulfing and digesting of pathogens
by white blood cells, destroying the pathogens.
what are antibodies?
White blood cells produce chemical antibodies that bind to pathogens and destroy them.These are specific, meaning only one particular antibodytype will bind to one particular pathogen.
what is an Active site?
The active site of an antibody is the part that has a spesific pattern that connects to a pathogen.
what is the lock and key theory?
The theory represents how the antibody and the antigen connect together .
what does “Denature” mean?
the active site of antibodies can get denatured ( loose its spesific shape)
What factors denature a cell?
- the PH
- the temprature
- consentration
What is a placebo?
A placebo is when a patient is gaven a fake version of a drug ,to rule out any expected side effects
Single-blind drug trial
in this study, only the participants are blinded.
Double-blind drug trial
both participants and experimenters are blinded
How are drugs tested on people?
- Clinical trials are tests on humans. new drugs are given in very low doses to healthy volunteers, to check that they are not toxic and don’t cause major side
effects. - If the drug is safe, clinical trials using people with the disease take place
What is asprin made from?
Aspirin, is a painkiller that was first extracted from the bark of Willow trees.
Antibiotics treat bacterial diseases only, because they kill pathogenic bacteria in the body. . Antibiotics are specific – so you need to use the right antibiotic to kill the particular bacteria that has infected you.
What is penecillin derived from?
How was the first antibiotic discovered?
(4 marker)
- have only been produced since the 1940s
- discovered by Alexander Fleming
- He found that a fungus called Penicillium worked to kill bacteria he was growing in an agar plate.
- He soon identified that the mould produced a self-defence chemical that could kill bacteria.
(In 1928 Dr Alexander Fleming returned from a holiday to find mould growing on a Petri dish of Staphylococcus bacteria)
How does a bacteria become resistant?
When an antibiotic is over prescribed the bacteria becomes imune
What are benefits of vaccination ?
It stops the vaccinated individual from getting ill and it helps prevent the spread of communicable diseases.
What are plant defences against disease
- Cellulose cell walls
- The tough waxy cuticles on theirleaves
- Layers of dead cells (e.g. bark) around stems that can be shed (fall off)
What are some physical plant adaptions for defence?
- Thorns and hairs to deter animals from eating them
- Leaves which droop or curl up when they aretouched
What are some chemical plant adaptions for defence?
Plants also have chemical defences, including:
* Antibacterial chemicals
* Poisons to stop herbivorous animals from eating them