B5 - Communicable Diseases Flashcards
What is a fever?
A disease symptom linked to a rasied body temperature, due to disruption of the normal homeostasis mechanisms in the body
What is HIV?
What is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus? 🤔
A virus that uses the body’s immune cells as host cells to replicate
What does HIV cause, if not treated appropriately?
Other: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
What is AIDS?
What is the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome?
A condition in which the body’s immune system is seriously weakened, due to infection by the HIV virus
What is salmonella?
A genus of bacteria that can cause food poisoning
What is discharge?
A substance that is being produced by the body that should not be there; otherwise indicating a sign of disease
What is a culture?
A population of microorganisms that has been deliberately grown to study
What is binary fission?
A method through which bacteria multiply; one bacterial cell divides into two, forming two identical cells
What is contamination?
The term used to decribe when unwanted bacteria [or other microorganisms] mix in with the bacteria that you are trying to grow
What is a culture medium?
A substance on which microorganisms are grown upon, which provides them essential nutrients for it to be able to grow
E.g. Agar gel or nutrient broth
What is an inoculating loop?
A piece of equipment that is used to transfer microorganisms to a culture medium for growth and study
What is an agar plate?
A Petri dish that is filled with agar gel
What is a colony?
A population of bacteria
What do colonies look like?
Circles of growth in an agar plate
What is a lawn culture?
An agar plate that is spread evenly with bacteria
What are lawn cultures useful for?
Testing antiseptics and antibiotics
What is mean division time?
The average time that it takes for a type of bacteria to divide once, whilst put under certain conditions
What is measles caused by?
A virus that is spread by a droplet infection
How is HIV spread?
Through the exhange of bodily fluids
Other: Through sexual contact; through sharing of needles by drug users
What can be used to treat HIV to stop it from developing into AIDS?
Antiretroviral drugs
What does the Tobacco Mosaic Virus affect?
Hint: Animals or Plants
What does the Tobacco Mosaic Virus do to plants?
It causes discolouration of the leaves, and stunts the plant’s growth
Why would a plant affected with TMV have a stunted growth?
As discolouration of the leaves [that is caused by TMV] hinders photosynthesis
Other: Less chlorophyll in the leaves
What type of pathogen is the Rosa Black Spot?
What does the Rose Black Spot affect?
Hint: Animals or Plants
What does the Rose Black Spot do to plants?
It causes purple or black spots to form on the leaves; the whole leaf turns yellow and begins to drop early; it also stunts the plant’s growth
How is the Rose Black Spot fungus spread?
How is this fungus transmitted? 🤔
Through wind or water
What are the treatment options for removing the Rose Black Spot fungus off plants?
Remove the affected leaves or use a fungicide