B5 Disease Flashcards
A pathogen is any microorganism that causes infectious disease.
Communicable disease
A communicable disease is when a disease has that ability to spread from one person to another. Has bacteria/viruses etc
Non communicable disease
A non communicable disease is when the disease cannot spread (doesn’t have bacteria/virus etc)
A state of physical and mental wellbeing
Something that takes away a factor of your health.
Why do we get ill?
Our diet Genetic disease Problems with immune system Stress Bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites.
How health problems interact
Virus living in cells can lead to cancers
Defects in your immune system
Physical and mental health are often closely linked
What did Ignaz Semmelweis do?
Ignaz was a doctor that noticed his med. students were not washing their hands when dissecting and delivering babies. He figured out that this was the reason women were dying after childbirth.
Who was Louis Pasteur?
He showed that micro organisms caused disease. He developed vaccines against these diseases.
Who was Joseph Lister?
Joseph started using antiseptic chemicals to destroy the pathogen.
What is a vaccine?
A vaccine is a small amount of harmless form of specific pathogens are injected into your body.
How to prevent infection?
Basic hygiene like washing hands, keeping raw meat away from other foods and cleaning up after raw foods.
What are the symptoms of Measles?
The symptoms are a Fever and a red skin rash
How does measles spread?
Measles spread by inhaling droplets from coughs and sneezes.
What type of cure can you get?
The is a vaccine to help prevent Measles.
What are the symptoms of HIV?
HIV is hard to see symptoms. The only symptom you will see is a cold or flu.
How does HIV spread?
HIV is spread through sexual contact or exchange of bodily fluids like blood. Can also be passed through breast milk.
What type of cure is there for HIV?
There is no cure for HIV
What does TMV stand for?
Tobacco mosaic virus
What are the symptoms of TMV
This is a plant based disease and the symptoms is when you see a ‘mosaic’ pattern on the plant.
How is TMV spread?
TMV is spread by the contact of a diseased plant.
How do you stop the disease
You cannot stop the disease once it has started but you can keep your field clean and sprayed with pest control to stop any spreading of TMV.
Where is Salmonella found?
Salmonella is found in the gut if many animals
What products is salmonella in?
Salmonella is found in raw meat, eggs and mayonnaise.
If there is a vaccination for salmonella, what does it do?
The vaccination fights against salmonella and stops the spread.
What is Gonorrhoea?
Gonorhia is a sexually transmitted disease
How is Gonorrhoea spread?
Gonhoroea spread by sexual contact.
What are the symptoms of gonorrheoa?
Gonhorroea is a yellow or green discharge.
Where the the symptoms of gonhorroea?
Gonhorroea is seen in the penis of the vagina.
How can gonorrhoea be stopped?
Contraception like a condom can stop the spread of Gonorrhoea
What is Rose Black Spot?
RBS is a fungal disease
What are the symptoms of RBS?
RBS makes the rose petal have black spots and the petal falls off the flower quicker
What are the symptoms of milaria?
Malaria makes you shake and have a fever
How is Malaria stopped?
Malaria can be controlled by using insectus
How is Malaria spread?
Malaria is spread through a Mosquito bite.
3 ways- how do white blood cells protect against pathogens?
- The white blood cells can engulf pathogens (called Phagocytosis. The pathogen is then digested.
- Some white blood cells produce antibodies. They attach to the antigens on the pathogens- this causes pathogens to clump together, making it easier to engulf.
- Some white blood cells produce anti toxins to neutralise the harmful effects of toxins produced by a bacteria/fungi.
How do pain-killers work?
Pain killers reduce the message carried by nerves. They don’t actually help the damage but numbs the pain.
How can food preparation stop us getting ill.
We don’t need to cross contaminate. Keep raw foods away from vegetables, also wash the food before cooking it.
What is a lobed nucleus?
A lobed nucleus ‘engulfs’ the pathogen that has been attacked by the large nucleus’ antibodies.
What is a large nucleus?
A large nucleus is a nucleus that shoots out these y shaped spikes called ‘antibodies’ that cover the pathogen’s flags.
What do the flags on the pathogens mean?
‘Foreign’ pathogens have different flags which makes the large nucleus and the lobed nucleus see which pathogen is good and which is bad as we have many good pathogens as well as bad.
What is Digitalis and what it used for?
Digitalis is extracted from foxgloves. They have been used to strengthen the heartbeat. Large amounts of intake is poisonous.
What is Aspirin and what does it do?
Aspirin is a pain-killer that is found in the bark of willow trees. The anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties were first recorded in 400BC. This is still used by doctors today.
What is penicillin and what is it used for?
- Penicillin is used for curing infectious diseases.
- His plates of bacteria had mould growing on them. The mould had killed the bacteria.
- Alexander Flemming discovered the penicillin.
- Alexander discovered the penicillin when he left his experiments out whilst he went away and he noticed moulds growing and alerted him that the mould killed the bacteria.
What is a dosage?
A dosage is when you take a certain amount of the drug to help.
What is Toxicity?
Toxicity is whether the drug has any poisonous effects
What is Efficacy?
Efficacy is how effective the drug is.