B15 Ecology Flashcards
The part of an ecosystem where an organism lives.
This is a group of organisms that can breed together to produce fertile offspring
This is the organisms of the same species that share a particular habitat.
This is made up of all the organisms that share a particular habitat.
A word that describes the fact that organisms often need the same resources
A word that describes how organisms rely on and impact upon each other.
Biotic factors
Other living things that can affect a particular population
Abiotic factors
Non-living things that can affect a particular population
Temperature is a limiting factor on photosynthesis and therefore growth in plants. In cold climates, temperature is always limiting.
Moisture levels
If there is no water, there will be little or no life. As a rule, plants and animals are relatively rare in a desert as the availability of water is limited. However, after it rains, many plants grow.
Soil pH
The level of mineral ions has a considerable impact on the distribution of plants. The PH of the soil also has a major effect on what can grow in it.
New pathogen
When a new pathogen emerges, organisms have no resistance to the disease. A new pathogen can damage and even wipe put populations in a community.
New predators
Organisms that have no defences against new predators may quickly be wiped out.
Interspecific competion
A new species may outcome another to the point where numbers become too low for successful breeding.
What are carnivores in competition for?
Food, water, territory, a mate
What are herbivores in competition for?
Hiding spots, plants, nest sites, a mate
Give ways in which males attract a female?
They display themselves by showing off their patterns and different colours or they fight for a mate.
Why do animals need a territory?
A space to build a nest, a space to hunt for food and reproduce.
What do plants compete for?
Light, minerals, water, a space to grow
Structural adaptations
Adaptations that animals have developed over 1000s of years of evolution
Behavioural adaptations
Things that an organism does to survive (e.g: hibernation)
Physiological adaptation
Physiological Adaptations are internal systematic responses to external stimuli in order to help an organism maintain homeostasis
An organism that can survive where nothing else can and thrives when it gets tough