B13 - Variation And Evolution Flashcards
The Basic Characteristics of EVERY Individual are the result of the Genes that have Inherited from their __________.
What are Features of Inherited Genetic Information from Parents?
- Eye Colour
- Nose Shape
- Sex
Some Differences between People are due to the ______________.
What is Genetic Variation known as?
What is Environmental Variation known as?
Examples or Environmental Variation?
- Accent
- Skin Colour
- Hair Colour
Examples of Environmental AND Genetic Variation?
- Height
- Weight
What is Mutation?
A change in the DNA Code.
Mutations can take place whenever Cells _________.
Many Mutations have NO EFFECT on the ______________ of an Organism.
Some Mutations are SO HARMFUL that the Organism doesn’t __________.
The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection states that ALL Species or Living Things have ____________ from Simple Life Forms that First Developed more than 3 __________ Years Ago.
Evolution through Natural Selection produces Changes in the Inherited Characteristics of a Population over-time, that result in Organisms that are well-suited to their _________________.
What are Variants?
Changes in Genes.
Individual Organisms within a Particular Species show a Wide Range of _____________ and Genetic Variation.
Individuals with Characteristics most-suited to the _________________ are more likely to Survive to Breed successfully.
The Alleles (Variants) that have Enabled Individuals to _________ are passed onto the next Generation.
If Two Populations of One Species become so different they can no longer ________________ to Produce Fertile Offspring, they have formed Two New Species.
When new Variants arise from a ____________, there may be a Relatively Rapid Change in a Species.
If Mutation gives an Organism an _____________ in the Changed Environment, making it more likely to Survive and Breed in the New Conditions, the New Allele will become common quite quickly.
What are the Key Steps in Natural Selection?
Mutation Of A Gene –> Advantage To Survive –> Breed –> Pass On Genes
You can Change Animals and Plants by _______________ Selecting which Members of a Group you want to Breed.
What are Examples of Desired Characteristics in Selective Breeding?
- Disease Resistant.
- Increased Food Production.
Genetic Manipulation by Selective _____________ has Resulted in Animals and Plants with Strange Combinations of ________.
Selective Breeding reduces the Number of ___________ in the Population.
Inbreeding is where some Breeding Populations are so closely Bred that there is Little ______________, which causes certain Disease or Inherited _________.
Genetic Engineering involves Changing the Genetic ___________ of an Organism.
What is involved with Genetic Engineering?
The Gene for a Desirable Characteristic is cut out of one Organism and Transferred to the Genetic Materials in the Cells of another Organism.
Genetically Engineered Bacteria can be used on a Large Scale to make Quantities of Protein from other Organisms, such as:
- Human Insulin.
- Human Growth Hormones.
There is a Limit to the ___________ that Bacteria can make.
Crops that have had their Genes Modified by Genetic Engineering Techniques are known as ______________ ____________ Crops (GM Crops).
Genetically Modified.
Genetically Modified Crops (___ _____) often show Increased Yields.
GM Crops.
GM Crops often have Improved _______________ to Insect Attack or Herbicides.
Increasing Crop Yields is Extremely Important in Providing Food __________ for the World’s Human Population.
Potatoes have been Genetically Modified to make more __________.
Sometimes, _______________ ____________ (GM) Crops contain Genes from a Completely Different __________.
Genetically Modified…Species…
Genetic Engineering could possibly help Cure Inherited Human ____________.
There are Benefits and Risks associated with Genetic Engineering in Agriculture and _____________.
Genetically Engineered Micro-Organisms can make the Proteins Humans need in Large _____________ and in a very Pure Form.
Scientists can Genetically Modify Mice so they Mimic Human ___________. These are useful to Developing Cures for Conditions ranging from Cancer to Diabetes.
What are the Main Advantages of Genetic Engineering in Agriculture?
- Improved Growth Rates of Plants and Animals.
- Increased Food-Value of Crops.
- Crops can be Designed to Adapt to their Climate.
Some People have _________ Objections to Genetic Engineering.
Some People are Concerned about Eating Genetically Modified Food on Human _________.
Genes from Genetically Modified Plants and Animals might spread into the ____________ of the Countryside, which is a Serious Concern.
People may want to Manipulate the Genes of their Future Children to make sure they are born __________, but the Concern is that we could get carried away and Produce ‘Designer’ Babies with High ________________ or Good Looks.