B1.1.1 Diet And Exercise Flashcards
What are the 7 components of a balanced diet?
- Fat.
- Carbohydrates.
- Vitamins.
- Minerals.
- Protein.
- Water.
- Fibre.
What is malnourishment?
•An unbalanced diet.
What can malnourishment lead to?
- Being over weight or underweight.
- Deficiency diseases.
- Type 2 diabetes.
What is the function of carbohydrates in the body?
- Slow release of energy.
* To make cell structures.
What is the function of vitamins in the body?
- General maintenance of the body.
* E.g. Skin, hair.
What is the function of protein in the body?
- To control cell reactions (as enzymes).
* Amino acids are made to make new cells for growth and repair.
What is the function of fat in the body?
- Quick source of energy.
- Insulation.
- Cell structures.
- Fat and glucose: respiration.
What is the function of fibre in the body?
- Functions the bowel movement.
- Waste can be bulked out into faeces.
- Constipation is avoided.
What is the function of water in the body?
•Hydrates the body.
What is the function of minerals in the body?
•To maintain healthy bones and blood.
Where is cholesterol made?
•The liver.
What is the HDL and LDL ratio?
What influences someone’s metabolic rate?
- Age.
- Sleeping.
- Exercise.
- Genetics.
- Environment.
- Gender.
- Muscle fat ratio.
How is coronary heart disease caused?
•When the arteries that supply oxygen and glucose to the heart muscle become blocked from cholesterol.
Where is cholesterol found?
•In trans-fats and saturated fats (animal fats).
What does LDL stand for?
•Low density lipoproteins.
Why do men generally have a higher metabolic rate than women?
- They have a higher muscle fat ratio.
- Women have more fat.
- Muscles use up more energy than fat.
What is a healthy diet?
- The right balance of the different foods you need.
- The 7 components.
- The right amount of energy.
What is Omega 3 and Omega 6?
- Two essential fatty acids that the body does not produce.
* Consumed from our diet.
What is the omega 3 and omega 6 ratio?
How is mass gained?
•Energy content of the food taken in is more than the amount of energy expended by the body.
How is mass lost?
•Energy content of the food in is less than the amount of energy expended by the body.
What is an effective slimming programme?
- Reduces the energy content of food.
- Increases amount of exercise.
- Less work to lose weight.
- Influencial towards others.
What is an insensible slimming programme?
- Consuming an unbalanced diet.
- Out of proportion of consuming main food groups needed.
- Not sensible.
List things that people who exercise regularly gain:
- Become healthier.
- The body expends more energy.
- Circulatory system becomes more efficient.
- Lower blood pressure.
- Less likely to be overweight.
- Higher metabolism.
- Improves mood.
- Relieves stress.
What is metabolic rate?
- The rate at which all the chemical reactions in the cells of the body are carried out.
- E.g. One major set of metabolic reaction is respiration.
What can affect your health?
- Diet.
- Exercise.
- Genetics.
- Metabolism.
What is RDA?
•Recommended daily allowance.
What is obesity?
- Someone who is severely overweight (being 20%+ over maximum recommended body mass).
- High amount of fat or carbohydrates consumed.
- BMI of over 30.
What does BMI stand for?
•Body mass index.
What is cholesterol?
- A substance that our body creates fat from and is consumed in our diet.
- It is a protective scaffolding that holds the cells together and is needed to make cell membranes.
- There are two types of cholesterol LDL and HDL.
- A fat molecule we consume.
What does BMI tell you?
•If you are at the ideal weight.
What is LDL?
•The unhealthy form of cholesterol that can lead to arteries becoming narrower or blocked.
What is HDL?
•The healthy form of cholesterol needed in the body as a type of scaffolding in the cell membrane and maintains good health.
What is smoking?
•The action or habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco or a drug.
What parts of the body does smoking affect?
- Brain.
- Blood.
- Stomach.
- Skin.
- Lungs.
- Reproduction.
- Mouth.
- Throat.
- Bones.
Why is nicotine addictive?
- Nicotine is a stimulant, so it makes you feel better.
- Once it reaches the brain it effects and changes the balance of the chemicals dopamine and noradrenaline, this then affects the mood and concentration levels.
- Since this reduces negative feelings as it is smoked more it becomes more and more addictive and harder to stop.
What diseases are caused by smoking?
- Asthma.
- Bronchitis.
- Lung cancer, throat cancer.
- Coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, peripheral vascular disease (damaged blood vessels), cerebrovascular disease (damaged arteries that supply blood to your brain).
What are the effects of smoking on the lungs?
- The smoke irritates the lungs and then makes it over produce mucus (bronchitis).
- Lung structure is destroyed
What is alcohol?
•A depressant.
What do depressants do?
- Reduce anxiety.
- Are addictive.
- Makes you feel tired.
What parts of the body are damaged by alcohol?
- Liver.
* Brain.
What are the short term effects of alcohol?
- Disorientation.
- Slurred speech.
- No sense of reality.
How is the liver affected by alcohol?
- Liver cells are damaged and replaced by scar tissue because of chronic inflammation.
- The inflammation can develop because of chronic viral hepatitis, fatty liver disease, unsafe consumption of alcohol, some drugs and harmful substances.
What are the different types of drugs (5)?
- Stimulants
- Depressants
- Painkillers
- Hallucinogens
- Performance enhancers
What do drugs do?
•Changes your body chemistry.
What are the benefits of regular exercise?
- Reduces risks of diseases.
- Mood is improved.
- Helps you sleep.
- Entertaining.
- Healthy.
When does starvation happen and what does it lead to?
- If you eat so little food that your body becomes very underweight.
- This can cause organ damage and eventually cause death.
When does obesity happen and what does it lead to?
•When you eat too much food and exercise less. This can cause... •Type 2 diabetes. •High Blood Pressure (due to high intake of salt). •Coronary Artery Disease. •Coronary Vascular Disease. •Heart attack. •Stroke. •Cancer. •Arthritis. •Hormonal problems.
What does Vitamin A,C,D deficiency cause?
- Vitamin A: blindness.
- Vitamin C: scurvy, which makes the gums bleed.
- Vitamin D: rickets, which makes the legs bow outwards in growing children.
Which is more dangerous? Class A or C drug?
- Illegal drugs are classified from Class A to Class C.
* Class A drugs are the most dangerous.
What are the long term effects of alcohol?
- Damage to the liver and brain.
* Alcohol damages the liver and, over time, this leads to cirrhosis.
How do you work out BMI?
- Mass (Kg) / Height (m^2)
* Answer Kg/m^2/Height
What are statins?
•Groups of drugs that lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
What is diabetes?
- When glucose can’t enter the body’s cells to be used as fuel.
- The inability to control blood sugar levels.
How do you know if slimming programmes are effective?
If the report is…
•A scientific study.
•Publish in a reputable journal.
•Written by a qualified person.
•The sample of people were large enough to gain reliable results.
•If there are other studies with similar outcomes.
How is type 2 diabetes caused?
- The body no longer responds to its insulin (An excess intake of high energy foods).
- The body is unable to to control the blood sugar levels in the blood.
What are the impacts of malnutrition in poorer countries?
- Slow growth (in children).
- Fatigue.
- Poor resistance to infection.
- Irregular periods in women.
- Deficiency disease.
How do statins control the concentration of cholesterol in the blood?
- By stoping the production of cholesterol by the liver.
- It inhibits the reductase and absorption of cholesterol in the liver (an increase of the enzyme reductase increases the production of cholesterol by the liver) by switching off the gene for reductase.
Why can BMI be inaccurate?
- Genetics.
- Gender.
- Build of the body.
- Muscle fat ratio.