B1 - Understanding Ourselves Flashcards
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Why is cholesterol a cause of heart disease?
Cholesterol builds up in arteries. Forms plaque which restricts or blocks blood flow.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What does heterozygous mean?
Having 2 different alleles for a certain characteristic.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is the job of the pupil?
Let light get through to back of eye.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Where are chromosomes found?
In nucleus of a cell
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What are essential amino acids?
Ones body cannot make by transamination (22 amino acids, 9 essential).
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Ones body cannot make by transamination (22 amino acids, 9 essential).
What are essential amino acids?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Electrical signals travelling along neurones
What are nerve impulses?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
White blood cells which engulf and then digest pathogens
What are Phagocytes?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Ciliary muscles relax. Suspensory ligaments tighten. Lens becomes more concave (thinner).
What does the eye do to see distant objects?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Having half the number of chromosomes/unpaired (e.g. Gametes)
What is a haploid?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What does recessive mean?
The allele that only has an effect when homozygous.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is active immunity?
Body makes its own antibodies following exposure to antigen - either by catching disease or through vaccination.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Name some Class C drugs…
Anabolic steroids and tranquilisers.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What does the cornea do?
Refracts light
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
flu (Influenza)
What is an example of a disease caused by viruses?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Contain all the essential amino acids. Source = animals
What are first class proteins?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is a vector?
Animal which carries micro-organisms that cause disease. It is not affected by disease.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is an example of a disease caused by fungi?
Athlete’s foot
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is an example of a disease caused by protozoa?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Convex lens or laser surgery
What is the solution for long sightedness?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Motor Neurones and Sensory Neurones
What makes up the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is body image?
How you feel about yourself - what you see when you look in mirror.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is a gene?
A short length of DNA controlling an organism’s characteristics.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Animal which carries micro-organisms that cause disease. It is not affected by disease.
What is a vector?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Concave lens or laser surgery
What is the solution to short sightedness?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What can plant hormones be used for comercially?
Selective weedkillers, rooting powder, ripening fruit and controlling dormancy.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Controls fine focus
What does the lens do?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
How quickly heart and breathing rates return to normal after exercise.
What is cardiovascular efficiency?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Blood vessels on surface constrict so less heat can be transferred from blood to surroundings.
What is vasoconstriction?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What factors decrease blood pressure?
A balanced diet and regular exercise.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What are the effects of high blood pressure?
Burst blood vessels which can cause a stroke or kidney failure.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What are reflexes?
Fast - shorter distance for impulse to travel. Automatic - no thinking involved.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What do the ciliary muscles do?
Changes shape of lens
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is gibberellin?
Hormone which breaks dormancy in plants and allows seeds to germinate.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is a diploid?
Having paired chromosomes (e.g. In the body)
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Where we have antibodies to fight pathogens
What is immunity?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
The allele that has an effect both in homozygous and heterozygous conditions.
What does dominant mean?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Anabolic steroids and tranquilisers.
Name some Class C drugs…
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is the systolic reading?
High reading - when heart contracts
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What are bases?
They determine the type fo gene, depending on the order of them.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is auxin?
Plant hormones which control growth and cause cell elongation.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is an example of a disease caused by bacteria?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What are the combinations for cystic fibrosis?
(recessive disease) CC - normal/disease free Cc - carrier cc - Have cystic fibrosis
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
A different form of the gene for the same characteristic.
What is an allele?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Slow down virus development but do not kill them.
What do antivirals do?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
An organism’s outward appearance.
What is a phenotype?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Heroin, LSD, Ecstasy, Cocaine.
Name some Class A drugs…
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is negative phototropism?
Roots grow away from light source.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
How does smoking increase blood pressure?
Nicotine increases heart rate. Carbon monoxide binds irreversibly to haemoglobin in red blood cells, reducing oxygen intake and heart beats faster to compensate.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is a haploid?
Having half the number of chromosomes/unpaired (e.g. Gametes)
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is the solution to short sightedness?
Concave lens or laser surgery
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is passive immunity?
Antibody is produced in another animal and then injected into patient.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Having two identical alleles for a characteristic.
What does homozygous mean?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
0.6 x body mass (kg)
How do you calculate Estimated Average daily Requirement (EAR) of protein?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is an example of a disease caused by viruses?
flu (Influenza)
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is positive phototropism?
Growing/bending towards light. (Applies to shoot)
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Eating disorders
What can poor self image lead to?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
How do you calculate Estimated Average daily Requirement (EAR) of protein?
0.6 x body mass (kg)
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
The allele that only has an effect when homozygous.
What does recessive mean?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Responding to a stimulus
What is tropism?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Name some Class B drugs…
Cannabis and Amphetamine (speed)
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
To make seeds germinate at certain times of year.
How do commercial farmers use gibberellin?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What are the effects of low blood pressure?
Poor circulation, dizziness and fainting.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
The genes that an organism contains.
What is a genotype?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What are lymphocytes?
White blood cells which produce antibodies which lock on to antigens on outside of pathogen to de-activate them.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is vasoconstriction?
Blood vessels on surface constrict so less heat can be transferred from blood to surroundings.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Detects the light
What does the retina do?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What can a lack of vitamin C lead to?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
A gap between two neurones
What is a synapse?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What does healthy mean?
Being free from disease and infection
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What does the retina do?
Detects the light
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Fast - shorter distance for impulse to travel. Automatic - no thinking involved.
What are reflexes?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is an example of a disease caused by bacteria?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Strength, speed, stamina, suppleness (agility/flexibility)
What are the 4 S’s?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
How you feel about yourself - what you see when you look in mirror.
What is body image?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
High reading - when heart contracts
What is the systolic reading?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Low reading - when heart is filling
What is the diastolic reading?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Antibody is produced in another animal and then injected into patient.
What is passive immunity?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Stimulus, receptor, sensory neurone, CNS (relay neurone), motor neurone, effector, response.
What are the stages of the reflex arc?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
mmHg - millimetres of mercury
What is blood pressure measured in?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What are the stages of the reflex arc?
Stimulus, receptor, sensory neurone, CNS (relay neurone), motor neurone, effector, response.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What are nerve impulses?
Electrical signals travelling along neurones
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Blood vessels widen allowing more blood to flow near surface so more heat can radiate to surroundings.
What is vasodilation?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What are Phagocytes?
White blood cells which engulf and then digest pathogens
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
They determine the type fo gene, depending on the order of them.
What are bases?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is the equation to calculate BMI?
body mass ÷ (height)²
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Sends messages to brain
What does the optic nerve do?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Where is auxin produced?
In the tip of the shoot
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
(dominant disease) Hh - Have disease hh - Disease-free
What are the combinations for Huntington’s disease?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Roots of a plant grow down in response to gravity.
What is positive geotropism?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
(recessive disease) CC - normal/disease free Cc - carrier cc - Have cystic fibrosis
What are the combinations for cystic fibrosis?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Binocular Vision - Eyes see slightly different images because they are a few cm apart. Brain compares two - more similar, further away object is.
How do the eyes judge distance?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What does homozygous mean?
Having two identical alleles for a characteristic.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Cholesterol builds up in arteries. Forms plaque which restricts or blocks blood flow.
Why is cholesterol a cause of heart disease?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is immunity?
Where we have antibodies to fight pathogens
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is Transamination?
Conversion in liver of one amino acid into another.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Name some Class A drugs…
Heroin, LSD, Ecstasy, Cocaine.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is the diastolic reading?
Low reading - when heart is filling
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Stress, smoking, alcohol, being over weight.
What factors increase blood pressure?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is cardiovascular efficiency?
How quickly heart and breathing rates return to normal after exercise.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is a phenotype?
An organism’s outward appearance.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Burst blood vessels which can cause a stroke or kidney failure.
What are the effects of high blood pressure?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Growing/bending towards light. (Applies to shoot)
What is positive phototropism?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Where does auxin gather and what happens to the plant?
On dark side of plant and causes plant to bend towards light.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is the solution for long sightedness?
Convex lens or laser surgery
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What do the suspensory ligaments do?
Fibres holding lens in position
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Cannabis and Amphetamine (speed)
Name some Class B drugs…
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Nicotine increases heart rate. Carbon monoxide binds irreversibly to haemoglobin in red blood cells, reducing oxygen intake and heart beats faster to compensate.
How does smoking increase blood pressure?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What can poor self image lead to?
Eating disorders
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Having paired chromosomes (e.g. In the body)
What is a diploid?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is a synapse?
A gap between two neurones
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is an allele?
A different form of the gene for the same characteristic.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Hormone which breaks dormancy in plants and allows seeds to germinate.
What is gibberellin?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What factors increase blood pressure?
Stress, smoking, alcohol, being over weight.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
body mass ÷ (height)²
What is the equation to calculate BMI?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Proteins which do not contain all essential amino acids. Source = plants
What are second class proteins?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Carry impulses from receptor to CNS.
What do sensory neurones do?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What are second class proteins?
Proteins which do not contain all essential amino acids. Source = plants
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Let light get through to back of eye.
What is the job of the pupil?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Athlete’s foot
What is an example of a disease caused by fungi?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
A short length of DNA controlling an organism’s characteristics.
What is a gene?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What are the 4 S’s?
Strength, speed, stamina, suppleness (agility/flexibility)
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What does the lens do?
Controls fine focus
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is blood pressure measured in?
mmHg - millimetres of mercury
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
How do the eyes judge distance?
Binocular Vision - Eyes see slightly different images because they are a few cm apart. Brain compares two - more similar, further away object is.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
How well physical tasks can be performed
What does fit mean?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is negative geotropism?
Shoots grow up against gravity.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What does fit mean?
How well physical tasks can be performed
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is tropism?
Responding to a stimulus
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Controls amount of light let through
What does the iris do?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What do sensory neurones do?
Carry impulses from receptor to CNS.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
White blood cells which produce antibodies which lock on to antigens on outside of pathogen to de-activate them.
What are lymphocytes?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Plant hormones which control growth and cause cell elongation.
What is auxin?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
A balanced diet and regular exercise.
What factors decrease blood pressure?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
How do commercial farmers use gibberellin?
To make seeds germinate at certain times of year.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Conversion in liver of one amino acid into another.
What is Transamination?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
In nucleus of a cell
Where are chromosomes found?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Fibres holding lens in position
What do the suspensory ligaments do?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Having 2 different alleles for a certain characteristic.
What does heterozygous mean?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What makes up the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)?
Motor Neurones and Sensory Neurones
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Refracts light
What does the cornea do?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
On dark side of plant and causes plant to bend towards light.
Where does auxin gather and what happens to the plant?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What makes up the Central Nervous System (CNS)?
Brain and Spinal Cord
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is positive geotropism?
Roots of a plant grow down in response to gravity.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Being free from disease and infection
What does healthy mean?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Body makes its own antibodies following exposure to antigen - either by catching disease or through vaccination.
What is active immunity?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What are first class proteins?
Contain all the essential amino acids. Source = animals
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What are the combinations for Huntington’s disease?
(dominant disease) Hh - Have disease hh - Disease-free
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is a genotype?
The genes that an organism contains.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What do motor neurones do?
Carry impulses from CNS to effector.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Shoots grow up against gravity.
What is negative geotropism?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Ciliary muscles contract. Suspensory ligaments slacken. Lens becomes more convex (fatter).
What does the eye do to see near objects?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Carry impulses from CNS to effector.
What do motor neurones do?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What does the iris do?
Controls amount of light let through
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Selective weedkillers, rooting powder, ripening fruit and controlling dormancy.
What can plant hormones be used for comercially?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What do antivirals do?
Slow down virus development but do not kill them.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What does the eye do to see distant objects?
Ciliary muscles relax. Suspensory ligaments tighten. Lens becomes more concave (thinner).
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is an example of a disease caused by protozoa?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Why is cholesterol even more dangerous in the coronary artery?
Increases risk of heart attacks if they have a thrombosis/blood clot.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Brain and Spinal Cord
What makes up the Central Nervous System (CNS)?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What is vasodilation?
Blood vessels widen allowing more blood to flow near surface so more heat can radiate to surroundings.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What does the eye do to see near objects?
Ciliary muscles contract. Suspensory ligaments slacken. Lens becomes more convex (fatter).
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Changes shape of lens
What do the ciliary muscles do?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Poor circulation, dizziness and fainting.
What are the effects of low blood pressure?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Roots grow away from light source.
What is negative phototropism?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
Increases risk of heart attacks if they have a thrombosis/blood clot.
Why is cholesterol even more dangerous in the coronary artery?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What does dominant mean?
The allele that has an effect both in homozygous and heterozygous conditions.
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
In the tip of the shoot
Where is auxin produced?
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What does the optic nerve do?
Sends messages to brain
B1 - Understanding Ourselves
What can a lack of vitamin C lead to?