B: The Learning Process Flashcards
What is learning?
A change in behavior as a result of experience
What is the learning theory?
Behaviorism - explains behavior from observable and measurable responses to stimuli
Cognitive theory - what’s going on in the mind; thinking
Perceptions are?
The basis of all learning and are directed to the brain via one or more of the five senses.
What factors affect perception? PGSTE
Physical organism - the ability to sense the world around you
Goals & values - knowing this will help the instructor teach
Self-concept - will affect ability to perform and learn
Time & opportunity - plan lessons in the correct order
Element of threat - teach to fit the physiological needs of the student
What is insight?
The grouping of perceptions into meaningful wholes.
As perceptions accumulate the student develops insight.
How is knowledge acquired? MUA
Memorization - facts are memorized
Understanding - organize facts to gain knowledge and understanding
Application - apply knowledge to solve problems and make decisions
Laws of Learning? REEPIR
Readiness - ready to learn
Exercise - most repeated, best remembered
Effect - learning is strengthened by positive experience and weakened by negative
Primacy - first learned, best learned
Intensity - learn better from real vs. a substitute
Recency - recently learned is best remembered
What are the domains of learning? RUAC
Rote - memorized
Understanding - understand the principle and theory behind the knowledge
Application - understands and can apply what was learned
Correlation - associate what was learned to other/future segments of learning
What is the affective domain?
Feeling; it has 5 educational objective levels:
Awareness - open to learning
Response - actively participates in training
Value - student determines value of training
Organizing - student organizes within their personal belief system
Integration - internalize training and incorporates the value into their life
What is the psychomotor domain?
Doing, and it is skill based; it contains four main instructional levels:
Observation - observe a more experienced person
Imitation - attempt to copy while instructor observes
Practice - practice builds proficiency
Habit - can perform skill in twice the time it takes an expert to complete
What are the characteristics of learning? PEAM
Purposeful - learn with a goal or purpose
Experience - learn through experiences
Active - must actively react and respond
Multifaceted - verbal, conceptual, perceptual, etc.
How is knowledge acquired? DEADPPPPK
Desire to learn
Evaluation vs critique, student should be kept aware of their progress
Application of skill
Duration and organization of the lesson
Pattern of progress - rapid then plateaus
Physical skills - more than just muscle
Patterns to follow - provide clear step by step
Performance of the skill - practice makes proficient
Knowledge of results - make aware of progress
What are the types of practice?
Deliberate - practice specific areas for improvement and give specific feedback
Blocked - practice the same thing over and over
Random - mixing up the skills to be learned during the practice period
What is scenario based training?
Practicing realistic scenarios to build good decision making habits. A good scenario has a clear objective and is tailored to the need of the student
What type of errors are there?
Mistake - when you plan to do the wrong thing and are successful
Slip - when you plan to do one but inadvertently do something else
How can you lessen errors?
To lessen errors learn and practice, take your time, check for errors, use reminders (checklists), develop routines and be aware of out of the ordinary situations
What are the components of memory?
Sensory register - receives input from the five senses
Short term memory - received from sensory register and remains or fades based on priorities
Long term memory - information is stored for future use.
What are the theories of forgetting? RIDS
Repression - forgetting unpleasant or negative experiences
Interference - new experiences overshadow prior experiences
Disuse - forgetting things that are not used
What is the retention of learning? PRFLM
Praise - stimulates learning
Recall - is promoted by association
Favorable attitudes aid retention
Learning with all senses is most effective
Meaningful repetition aids recall
What are the types of transfer of learning?
Positive transfer - past knowledge supports new learning
Negative transfer - past knowledge confuses from new learning