B Approach Treat P Flooding Flashcards
Flooding AO1
-Patient immediately exposed to most feared stimulus and must stay in its presence
-experience high levels of anxiety and panic unable to avoid stimulus remain exposed until anxiety response is exhausted and start to decrease
-known as extinction patient learns phobic stimulus is harmless
Flooding AO3 strength
P-highly cost effective way to treat phobia
E-therapy found to be effective yet not expensive
E-one session due to the immediate exposure and extinction of phobias unlike SD take up to 10 sec for the same result due gradual exposure of p s
-more cost effective treatment for nhs use
Appropriate to use real world benefit economy treated in less time fewer resources
AO3 limitation Flooding
P-unethical treatment patient experience extreme anxiety as exposed most feared stimulus for 2-3h
E-although full informed consent gained SD seen as ethical treatment as it gradually expose p to phobia at p own rate
E-Schumacher et al found ppt and therapist significantly more stressful than SD
L-attrition rates drop out are higher than for SD
Reducing the appropriate and effectiveness of flooding as a b treatment