Axonal transport and spinal tracts Flashcards
Name the cytoplasmic structure in the nerve cell body and dendrites that are involved in protein synthesis:
Nissl substance
Transport responsible for delivery of synthesized NTs away from the cell body
Fast anterograde axonal transport
Transport responsible for delivery of cytoskeletal and cytoplasmic components away from the cell body
Slow anterograde transport
Transport responsible for returning material to the cell body for degradation
Fast retrograde transport
Kinesin-dependent transport
Fast anterograde axonal transport
Dynein-dependent transport
Fast retrograde transport
Transport responsible for carrying nerve growth factor, viruses, and toxins to cell bodies
Fast retrograde transport
Name the process of anterograde axonal and myelin degeneration accompanied by Schwann cell proliferation:
Wallerian degeneration
What spinal tract is responsible for Voluntary control of skeletal muscle
Lateral corticospinal/pyramidal tract
What spinal tract is responsible for Sensation of pain and temperature
Lateral spinothalamic tract
What spinal tract is responsible for Two-point discrimination and vibratory sensation
Dorsal column-medial lemniscus tract
What spinal tract is responsible for Control of facial muscles
Corticobulbar tract
What spinal tract is responsible for Coordination of muscle tone, posture, balance, and motor activity
Dentothalamic tract
Describe the major difference between the innervation of the lower and upper facial muscles.
Corticobulbar fibers innervate the lower facial muscles unilaterally, while upper facial muscles are innervated bilaterally
Name the structure in the spinal cord composed of ascending fibers of the dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway originating in the upper extremities:
Cuneate fasciculus
Name the structure in the spinal cord composed of ascending fibers of the dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway originating in the lower extremities:
Gracile fasciculus (medial to cuneate fasciculus)
At what level of the brainstem do fibers of the dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway cross?
Caudal medulla
What type of receptors provide input to the lateral spinothalamic tract?
Free nerve endings
At what level do fibers of the spinothalamic tract cross?
At the same level or 1 to 2 levels above/below where they enter the spinal cord
Name the structure where fibers of the lateral spinothalamic tract cross the midline:
Ventral white commissure/anterior commisure
Where do fibers of the dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway, the trigeminothalamic, and lateral spinothalamic tract all terminate?
The sensory cortex (Brodmann areas 3, 1, and 2)
What part of the cortex gives rise to the fibers of the lateral corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts?
The motor, premotor, and sensory areas of the cortex (Brodmann areas 6, 4, and 3, 1, 2)
Fibers of the lateral corticospinal tract pass through which limb of the internal capsule?
Posterior limb
Name the structure where fibers of the lateral corticospinal tract cross the midline:
Medullary pyramids
UMN or LMN sign?
Spastic paresis
UMN or LMN sign?
Flaccid paralysis
UMN or LMN sign? Babinski sign (upgoing toes)
UMN or LMN sign?
Fasciculations and fibrillations
UMN or LMN sign?
UMN or LMN sign?
UMN or LMN sign?