Aviation formulas & Functions Flashcards
Load factor
1/Cos(bank angle)
Turn radius
V^2 / g*tan(bank angle)
Lift formula
Cl * Q * S
Cl: lift coeffitient
Q: dynamic pressure = 1/2 * rho * V^2
rho: air density
S: wing surface area
Thrust formula in a dive
Thrust = Drag - weight*sin(dive angle)
Drag formula
Drag = Cd * Q * S
Induced drag coefficient and lift coefficient relationship
Cdi ~ Cl^2
Climb gradient from climb angle
Gradient = sin x * 100
Delta LF in terms of Vs
Delta LF = (V0 / V1)^2
Where V0 and V1 are a function of Vs
New Vs in terms of LF
New Vs = (LF^1/2) * Vs1
LF in terms of Weight and Lift
Wind shear speed classification
In knots:
0-4 light
5-8 moderate
9-12 strong
12< severe
As vector change within 30m starting 10m above ground
Height of air column as function of pressure
Feet / hPa = (96*t) / Pressure
t in Kelvin
Pressure in hPa
Weather system classification / wind speed
Above 33kt tropical storm
Above 63kt cyclone (or hurricane or typhoon)
Sustained wind = avg speed over 10m / over 1m in US
Coriolis force formula
Flight levels / pressure charts
FL 50 850 hPa
FL 100 700 hPa
FL140 600 hPa
FL 180 500 hPa
FL 240 400 hPa
FL 300 300 hPa
FL340 250 hPa
FL390 200 hPa
FL 450 150 hPa
ΔCG / new mass
Δmass / new total mass = ΔCG /distance moved
ΔCG / old mass
Δmass / old mass = ΔCG /distance from new CG
Aircraft weighing steps
- measure mass per wheel
- measure distance between nose and main wheels, this will be the moment arm
- select a datum (preferably main wheels to zero their moment)
- calculate moments and sum them
- CG is total mass / total moment.
neg. value is fwd from the datum
Arc distance rule of thumb
Arc radius times the arc angle divided by 60.
Gradient rule of thumb (Eddie code7700.com)
Flight levels divided by nautical miles equals gradient.
Descent VV rule of thumb
Nautical miles per minute times descent angle times 100 gives vertical velocity in feet per minute.
TOD 3 degree rule of thumb
Start descent at three times your altitude to lose in thousands of feet to achieve a three degree gradient.
VDP calculation rule of thumb
[MDA - THR] / 300
Cloud tops altitude with radar beam ROT
Height in ft = range in NM * (scanner tilt - half beam width) *100
AiRROW checklist
Airworthiness certificate
Registration certificate
Radio license
Operating limitations
Weight and balance
Impulse vs reaction turbine pressure drop mnemonic
In Due Course Rotors Die Down
exhaust pressure:
Name NGV Turbine
Imp const drop
Reac drop drop
MOCA: 1000’ over flat terrain (<3000’)
1500’ between 3-5000’
2000’ over 5000’
MSectorA: 1000’ in 25nm radius
MEA: navaid reception, 2way comm, safe terrain clearance, ATC control reqs conform
MORA: (minimum off route altitude):
1000’ above terrain,
2000’ above mountains (mountains: 3k’< within 10NM)
10MM on both sides and radius around airway
Grid mora: in one grid block
ICAO Annexes story
Pablo, had finally obtained his very own personal ATPL license after studying and learning the Rules of the air during 2 years. He got ready for his first commercial flight by looking up 3 different Meteorological services and 4 aeronautical charts. Then, he had to convert 5,000 lbs units of measurement to kg as part of his mass and balance calculations. After reviewing the company’s 6 main operational procedures for the aircraft, he entered a flight plan under Qatar airline’s aircraft nationality mark A7.
He noticed the COA (Certificate of Airworthiness) had been issued the 8th of August, his birthday. Right before going to the aircraft, Pablo entered the 9-digit code the airline had facilitated to him in the room’s pad, to indicate he was leaving. Once in the aircraft, all communication was smooth, 10/10, and the ATS (Air Traffic Services) cleared them for take off 11 minutes before the scheduled time.
During the flight, Pablo was thinking about the 12-member search and rescue teams in his country when suddenly 13 different lights and sounds went off inside the cockpit, alerting him of a potential aircraft accident if no immediate action was taken. He quickly diverted to an aerodrome 14 NM away while his comrade contacted the relevant AIS (Aeronautical Information Services) on frequency 150,000. The airplane performed an emergency landing breaking at least 16 environmental protection regulations, but at least, in the end the pilots had been able to ensure the safety and security of all 17 passengers, as there weren’t any casualties.
Unfortunately, because of the rough landing, 18 pallets of volatile material (goods supposed to be safely transported) exploded shortly after everyone had evacuated the aircraft, which led to a 19-month investigation from the safety management team of the airline.
Gyro error: earth rate
Gyro error: Transport wander
Δlong*sin(mean lat)
Gyro errors: prefixes
Earth Rate - +
Lat.nut + -
Trans w E - +
Trans w W + -
Circling minimums
CAT MDH Vis(m)
A 400’ 1500
B 500’ 1600
C 600’ 2400
D 700’ 3600
Terminal VOR and ILS frequencies rules
Frequencies 108.00 - 112.00
Ending 0 - 5
VOR: first digit even: 108.25; 111.40 etc
ILS: first digit odd: 108.15; 111.90 etc
Classic artificial horizon
Errors during a turn
After 90° pitch up, lower bank angle
After 180° highest pitch, bank angle correct
After 270° pitch up, bank angle over indication.
After 360° all correct
trigger conditions
● Mean surface wind dir change >60° while winds peed >10kts
● Gusts change >10kts while wind speed >15kts
● Freezing precip
● Moderate or heavy precip (Inc. Showers)
● Freezing fog
● Thunderstorm
● Cloud layer below 1500’ changes:
- From SCT or less to BKN or OVC
- From BKN or OVC to SCT or less
Crew special observation
Icing (severe or moderate)
Severe mountain wave
Heavy dust/sandstorms
Volcanic Ash cloud / pre-eruption activity
Additionally for transonic / supersonic flights:
Moderate turbulence
CB clouds
Local frequencies
LHTL 127.560
●Oil pressure gauge
●Manifold pressure gauge
●Airspeed indicator
●Temperature gauge (for liquid cooled engines)
●Oil temperature gauge (for air cooled engines
●Fuel gauge
●Landing gear position indicator
●Anti-collision lights
●Magnetic compass
FLAPS mnemonic
(For night flights)
●Landing light
●Position light
●Source of power
GRABCARD mnemonic
(For IFR flights)
●Generator or Alternator
●Radio nav/comm appropriate for the flt
●Attitude indicator
●Ball (inclinometer)
●Altimeter (pressure sensitive)
●Rate of turn indicator
●Directional gyro
Bank angle load/ stall speed formula
G=1/cos phi
Vs=Vso*(1/cos phi)^1/2
Density Altitude and Pressure Altitude Formula
DA = PA + (OAT - ISA T) * 120
PA = elevation + (1013 - QNH) * 27
Induced drag formula
CL^2 / pi * AR * e
CL =2L /rho * S * V^2
AR = b^2 / S (b wingspan S wing area)
e efficiency factor
Profile drag formula
Dp = V² .5 rho S Cd
GPWS mnemonic
Stay Tuned During Take-off To Get More Wings
Sink rate
Don’t Sink
Too low, gear
Too low, flaps
Bank angle
Wind shear