Automatic Flight Flashcards
What two conditions will turn on the yaw damper?
- The YD deafaults ON at system Power Up
- Also Auto Turn on at AP Engagement
What is the function of the AT button Flight?
How do you cancel the Aural Warning?
In flight AT engages and Disengages A/T System
By using the buttons on the Thrust Levers
Can the Autopilot disconnect Aural warning be canceled by the AP Button?
No, only by the AP/Trim Disc button on the yoke.
How would you select FD off?
Press FD button on sourced side.
Note: Pressing the FD button on the source side deselects the current vertical and lateral mode, removes the indication from the FMA, and forces A/T system to SPD T
What does This green arrow in the FMA indicate?
Indicates sourced side for the AFCS.
Automatic Flight Control System
What is your default vertical and lateral mode?
Roll and FPA become active FMA modes, and the FD guidance cue is displayed.
With AT engaged, what speed mode would be expected on the FMA in VS ?
Is Bank limiting function available in all lateral modes?
No, only in HDG mode.
Is Bank limiting available in LNAV?
No, BANK Limiting is only available In HDG Mode.
Can WX Radar info be displayed on the PFD map when green needles are selected?
No, WX Radar information can only be displayed on the PFD Map with Magenta needles selected.
RA Minimum knob allows for auto callouts based on RADAR altimeter. What approaches are affected using the RA selection?
What Happens when you rotate the Minimums Knob to Zero?
How will this affect approaches?
Turns the Display to OFF
Auto Callouts are inhibited.
What does the Autothrottle mode -TO (in white) on the bottom row indicate?
It is in the Armed mode
What Does the TO ( in green ) represent in the Vertical Mode Column ?
TO is the active Vertical Mode
Provides FD guidance to maintain airspeeds between V2 to V2+10 after liftoff
During Takeoff Roll, what will the autothrottle mode on the FMA indicate at 60kts
HOLD becomes the active mode and AT servos are de-energized until 400’
At what airspeed will TRACK be displayed on the FMA?
What is Track Mode?
Bank Commands are given to Maintain the ground track that the airplane was on at the moment of engagement. ( 100kts )
At what other time will track become active?
When TOGA button is pressed during GO AROUND.
What does GA(green) represent in the Vertical Mode?
Pitch is commanded to 8° until reaching Target airspeed:
2 engines- Vref+20
1 Engine- Vac ( approach Climb )
What is the threat of changing the preselected altitude when you see ASEL in vertical mode?
The aircraft defaults to dos mode and continues climb or descent.
It can put AC in undesirable position
In Green FLCH, will the AC honor the FMS altitude constraints?
How would you get it to honor them?
No only in magenta FLCH
Press VNAV
With regard to Vertical Mode, what indication in the HUD would you see when VNAV is engaged?
What does PTH ( magenta ) do for us in Vertical Mode?
Aircraft will intercept and Track an FMS generated vertical path to meet vertical constraints in the FMS flight plan. ( 1°-6°)
On an ILS approach, once cleared and selecting the APP button. What do you expect to see in FMA?
Once you intercept what do you see?
White- APPR1, and white loc and GS at the bottom ( armed )
Green- APPR1
In active FMA fields
When Cleared for an RNAV approach, after selecting APP, what would you expect to see in FMA?
Once you capture what would you see?
What would the bud show?
White GP
Magenta GP
What does the HUD A3 ( white ) mean in FMA?
When it turns green would you expect to see anything in the armed fields of FMA?
Indicates HUD A3 Mode is armed for CAT II/CAT III ILS
RLOUT|FLARE (white) under LOC|GS
What are the VNAV descent modes?
Continue On the SPV Review on Comply. The Rest of the questions in this chapter have pictures to reference.
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