Autoflight Flashcards
What is the minimum height for autopilot on takeoff?
100ft AGL and at least 5s after liftoff
What is the minimum height for autopilot when using final app, VS or FPA?
250ft AGL
What is the minimum height for autopilot for circling approach?
500ft AGL
What is the minimum height for autopilot on a cat 1 ILS approach?
160ft AGL
In the FMGC, what is meant by recommended max?
Max altitude displayed in the progress page.
Lowest of the max alt that the A/C:
- Can reach with 0.3G buffet margin
- Fly in level flight at Max CRZ rating
- Maintain a V/S of 300ft/min and Max CLB thrust
- Fly a speed above Green Dot and below VMO/MMI
- Is certified at
Anti-ice is not taken into account for this computation
What is a good gross error check when calculating green dot?
Double the gross weight and add 85 (below FL200)
On some types there maybe a discrepancy between vapp on the PFD and vapp on the FMGC. Why is this?
I think because Vapp in the FMGC is based on the gross weight when the approach phase is activated, along with the wind in the PERF page whereas the Vapp on the PFD is calculated by the FAC
When is the the Auto Land light armed?
200ff AGL
Can you briefly explain the function of ground speed Mini?
Provides a constant ground speed in gusty and thermal conditions to maintain A/C energy on approach.
Vapp = VLS + 1/3 wind or VLS + 5 (whichever is higher)
GS mini baseline = Vapp - wind component
V target = baseline + ADIRS wind
If you lose 1 FMGC, what annunciation would you expect to see on the pfd 5th column and how might this affect an ND?
Loss of AP on the side of the FMGC fail, but AP on the other side will work. ND has to be set at the same range as ND on work FMGC side
What methods does the aircraft have to calculate its position?
MIX IRS position
Computed radio position
GPS Position
What is the aircraft’s FM position comprised of?
Mix of IRS/GPS position. Flight crew can also update the FM position manually
What is EPE?
Estimated Position Error
What is meant by GPS primary?
- The accuracy is High (EPU is lower than required on PROG Page)
- Capability to detect a failure and provide appropriate warning of it.
With a lose of both flight management computers? How do you recover radio navigation?
Flick the cover and press Nav button
Prior to entering the hold, what will happen when you press the immediate exit push button?
It won’t enter the hold and will resume its applicable manage speed of the current flight phase