Autoflight Flashcards
How many flight guidance modules are there in the AFCS?
2 independent FGMs
Where is the Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA) located?
Top of PFD
Which of the following would you see on the Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA)?
AP or TCS engage status AP/YD status messages Mismatch/mistrim FD selected targets Lateral active and armed modes Vertical active and armed modes FD abnormal conditions AFCS failure messages HSI, DUAL FD, CAT II FAIL
T/F: Flight Guidance Module (FGM) 1 is the Master Channel.
T/F: Flight Guidance Module (FGM) 2 is the Slave Channel
T/F: The Flight Guidance Modules operate independently and act as the “brains” of the AFCS.
The autopilot and the yaw damper functions require _____ FGM(s) to be operational.
T/F: The Flight Director displays both lateral and vertical guidance for the crew on the PFD.
T/F: Primary control of FD modes and selections are provided by the Flight Guidance Control Panel.
When flight guidance modes are active, what color are they displayed in on the PFD?
When flight guidance modes are armed, what color are they displayed in on the PFD?
When do flight guidance modes that are armed become active?
When certain conditions are met they automatically become active
When an armed flight guidance mode changes to active, it is annunciated by the display changing to reverse green video for _____ seconds.
5 seconds
T/F: Dual FD mode is a sub mode of the ILS approach mode.
If pilots activate the AP with no AFCS commands set and are in a bank greater than 6 degrees, what does the system default to?
Hold current bank (it will not roll wings level)
Hold current pitch
Which of the following is a basic lateral mode?
Roll Hold
Wings LVL
HDG Hold
T/F: When pilots switch to HDG mode, the AP flies the heading the aircraft is currently on.
FALSE, heading bug provides guidance and aircraft will immediately turn to whatever the heading bug is set to
T/F: When pilots enter HDG mode, the AP flies the heading the heading bug is set to even if it is not the current heading.
T/F: When in VOR mode, the FD tracks VOR radials.
When in VOR mode and flying over a VOR, what does the sub mode do to keep on course?
Maintains the heading of the selected VOR course
When is LOC mode used?
Localizer based instrument approaches
T/F: The AFCS has a localizer back course mode.
When climbing or descending, pilots will get an aural tone how far from the altitude set in the altitude alerter.
1,000 feet
T/F: In IAS mode, the pitch is adjusted to maintain desired airspeed.
In VS mode pitch is adjusted to maintain _____.
Target or selected vertical speed
How is GA mode activated?
Pressing either GA switch on power levers
AP disengages, FD set to 10 degrees up and either Wings LVL or LNAV
T/F: If the yaw damper is inoperative and on MEL, the autopilot will still engage.
FALSE, Yaw damper activation is required for autopilot engagnement
T/F: The yaw damper can be on without the AP, but the AP cannot be on without the YD.
When does the autopilot automatically disengage?
AFCS malfunction or If any engagement logic is not met:
Aircraft airborne
Aircraft attitude within limits
ADC & AHRS inputs are valid and agree
YD is available or engaged
AP disengage annunciations are not displayed
The Tactile Control Steering (TCS) allows the pilot to accomplish what?
Momentarily assume control of the flight controls without disengaging the autopilot (servos are just declutched)
If one Flight Guidance Module fails, which system will remain operative with the remaining FGM?
FD will remain operative (AP will disengage)
When the HSI SEL is pressed with flight guidance modes and FD present, what happens?
No effect on AP/YD engagement
Clears all active and armed lateral and vertical FD modes and removes the FD if AP is not engaged
Clears all active and armed lateral and vertical FD modes and FD command bars remain if the AP is engaged
The NAV source, HDG, Course, and ADU/AHRS selections are switch between PFDs
What does the VOR OS lateral mode indicate?
Aircraft is transitioning over the VOR station
Aircraft flies heading of selected course until course is valid again
Which button on the AFCS panel is pressed to arm the LOC mode?
NAV or APPR can be pressed for LOC mode
Which of the following is the normal pilot action to ensure the AFCS captures a selected altitude during climb or descent?
Verify ALT SEL is armed
Captures by going to ALT*
Engages/active mode in ALT mode
T/F: The aircraft must be airborne to engage the autopilot.
When the autopilot is engaged, and the red A/P DIS on the yoke is pushed once, it disconnects the autopilot. Pushing it a second time does what?
Removes AP disengaged message