Autism Spectrum Disorders Flashcards
What is the impact of diagnosis
struggle with
predicting, recognizing,
anticipating, explaining and
understanding how they and
others might feel.
what are issues related to central coherence?
have trouble focusing on
new tasks, choosing and prioritizing,
functioning in unstructured
environments, linking old and new
information as well as generalizing
What are the issues related to executive function?
have trouble initiating,
planning, organizing,sequencing,
being flexible, starting/stopping activities,
thoughts and actions…self-regulation
What does ABA help us understand?
- Why a behaviour occurs
- How a behaviour is affected by the environment
- What reinforcing element is helping to maintain a
behaviour - When a behaviour occurs
- What skills to teach and where to start
What is ABA used for?
- Socially significant behaviour change
- Teach skills such as
➢ language and communication skills
➢ social skills
➢ play and leisure skills
➢ attention and memory skills
➢ functional daily living skills
What is the tiered intervention model?
Tier 1 - Regular classroom
* Identification of strengths and needs
* Classroom observation and tracking
* Information gathering over time, from a variety of sources
* Extensive evidence of differentiation
Tier 2 - Community School
* In-School Team Meeting Referral
* Targeted and more precise instruction with documentation of evidence
* assessment and IEP development
* Discuss accommodations and/or program modifications and possible need for an
IEP. Teams are encouraged to maximize accommodations prior to modification
* Possible Multi-D Team Member consultation re: instructional and classroom
Tier 3 - Community school or off-site program
* Multi-D Team meeting referral with informed consent
* Consider next steps, referral for more specialized supports and possible
* Implement intensive interventions
* Develop IEP as appropriate to individual needs OR continue to implement,
monitor, and/or revise existing IEP
What is a developmental profile?
● have a developmental profile
with peaks and valleys when
compared to same age peers
● functional communication
skills (level 3)
● social communication skills
(levels 1&2)
● executive functioning skills
● sensory differences
what are potential strengths?
● like rules and good at following them
● innovative/creative
● very honest and reliable
● superior knowledge in specific areas of interest
● very authentic people
What are IEP Options across spectrum?
- Accommodated only
- Modified
- Alternative
What are the alternative goals
○ Self advocacy
○ Communication and Social Skills
Self Regulation
Social Skills
Personal Care
Life Skills
Fine Motor Skills
Gross Motor Skills
what are common school interventions?
- Warm relationships
- creating structure + setting limits
- teaching self-regulation skills
what are common school interventions?
- Visual supports
- Alternative / Augmentative
Communication systems - Explicit 1:1 instruction for play
and communication skills - In situation social coaching
- Explicit teaching of: TOM,
unwritten rules, conversation
rules, nonverbal
communication, and problem