Auteurism Flashcards
auteurist mode of analysis
understanding a film by way of its relationship (stylistically, narratively, and thematically) to other films by the same director
concept of auteurism
tied to and enabled by european art cinema
•Bears the visible traces of its own creator
•Art refuse to be subordinated to narrative
•Self reflexive
•Announces its status as art that has been created
influence of auteurism
informs the way we think about film history and film culture
•Reviews often make reference to directors
•How they can be understood compared + contrasted to previous work
influence of auteurism
- Academic studies
- Director collected of box set of movies: criterion collection
- Tiff feature series organized around a director
- Common place to refer to director
•director chief creative talent behind any film + thus understood as author
Auteur theory
certain directors are able to present view of world so consistently that they qualify for special status, that of the auteur
body of work
•needs to be substantial enough + high enough quality to be distinguished
•Oeuvre needs to be consistent + distinguishable enough that others recognize it
Historical Development of Auteurism
François Truffaut - A Certain Tendency of French Cinema - Cahiers du Cinéma
Attacked Tradition of Quality for being more literary than cinematic + introduced notion of a cinema of auteurs wherein the director was more important creatively than the screenwriter
Cahiers du Cinéma
became known for auteurist approach to film criticism, which led it to value certain directors (Robert Bresson and Federico Fellini, Howard Hawks and Alfred Hitchcock) over others
Auteurism spread
spread to North America in the mid-1960s through the writings of Andrew Sarris
•Andrew sarris’ hierarchial taxonomy from most important directors
Historical Development of Auteurism
- French saw isolated cases of genius that slipped through
- Realized more hollywood directors with distinct vision
- Author in some way impose their own personalities + concerns despite the interference of hollywood system
Historical Development of Auteurism
- “Auteur analysis of the 1950s + 60s consisted of applying art cinema reading strategies to classical hollywood cinema” David Bordwell
- cahier critics believed hollywood films should be more celebrated
André Bazin - Cahiers du Cinéma - Critiques auteurism
-rejecting films not directed by auteurs: Film not directed by auteur considered unimportant
-attitude of “artistic infallibility” : Once considered auteur, impossible that they make a bad movie, automatically good
•Rigid hierarchy in terms of film culture
André Bazin - Cahiers du Cinéma - Critiques auteurism
- establishing a priori assumptions concerning evolution of talent: Assumed that good auteur can only get better with age
- devaluing a film’s subject : Devalues a film’s subject
- valorizing a director for having a worldview that gains expression consistently: Doesn’t interrogate the worldview
André Bazin - Cahiers du Cinéma - Critiques auteurism
-failing to consider history, society + technology: Buys into the idea that the auteur exists independently of the context that they are necessarily enmeshed
•Expressing that particular genius, can’t be tainted by anything larger than itself
The Auteur Theory - Peter Wollen
reformulated auteurism by emphasizing the textual author over the flesh and blood one, and unconscious effects over conscious intentions
The Auteur Theory - Peter Wollen
- Shifts emphasis to textual author + unconscious effects
- Auteur should be understood that something the critic creates through analysis: acts of decipherment + decryption
- Should analyze Hawks by the essence of his person
- Trace the deep structure within the body of work
flesh + blood vs. textual
- Howard hawks (flesh + blood) - creates a bunch of movies – produces “Howard Hawks” (textual author + cultural conduit)
- Howard hawks deep structure created by the analysis of his work
- Set of stylistic, thematic, narrative predilections that make up his works
flesh + blood vs. textual
- Fears, preoccupations, desires, values that gain expression through his films perhaps unconsciously
- A figure defined by much of what he brings to his work consciously + unconsciously
Cultural conduit
individual whom his cultural context and historical moment flows through
-not necessarily intention
The Auteur Theory - Peter Wollen
informs much contemporary work on the subject
•Giving expression to much wider social phenomenon
•work speaks to a larger social context + historical moment
Textual auteur
•Not someone who can transcend, rather shaped by those things they are enmeshed
•Textual auteur is emphasized in cinema studies
•How they are associated with recurring style, narrative + themes
•Shift from intentions to unconscious effects
-possibility of multiple meanings