Audiences: Reception Theory - Stuart Hall Flashcards
Encoding produces a mediated view of the world
They construct a mediated world view. Journalists do not just report the raw facts; they present a carefully orchestrated version of those events
Production factors that channel media encoding
- Routines of production: the 24-hour news cycle prompts newspapers to favour breaking news at the expense of older stories. Process govern meaning
- Genre-driven mediation: Genre driven rules often frame the visual or narrative structures of media products. In news reportage, for example, stories are often constructed in a highly formulaic way
What causes media misreadings
- Overly complex narratives
- Ideas are too alien
- Language elements can’t be decoded
Institutional context
Media process might deliberately choose to employ people who share the same political bias
E.g. predictions regarding audience taste; encoding products in the way they think will appeal to a mass audience
Cultural resistance
Media producers might encode messages that reinforce dominant ideologies,m but it is not necessarily true that all audience members will submit to those ideas in a passive or submissive manner.
On the contrary, hall suggests that audiences engage in a continuous assessment of the media they consume
Media audiences read the messages that producers construct
Dominant readings
Occur when audiences knowingly decode texts in the way they were intended by media makers. Audiences agree with any hegemonic encodings
Media institutions encode media products - using honed processes and strategies to produce media products that communicate messages to their audiences
The set of ideas that dominate within society - these ideas are usually formed by those groups who have power.
Hegemonies often legitimise the power of elite social groups. The media plays a key role in distributing hegemonic messages to all sections of society
An audience reading that fails to correctly decode the intended meaning of a media products as a result of its complexity or illegibility
Negotiated readings
Negotiated readings occur when audiences both resist and accept the messages constructed by a media product
Oppositional readings
Occur when audiences their individual knowledge, beliefs or experiences to construct a contrary reading of a media text
Situated logics
Refers to kinds of experience, knowledge and beliefs that an individual audience members has when decoding a product.
This might also refer to the physical environment in which decoding occurs