Audiences: Media Modelling - Bandura Flashcards
Direct experience
Individuals learn or replicate affressive acts as a result of their experiences of aggression.
Children might learn to be aggressive from the modes of negative behaviour that parents provide.
Modelled learning
Direct experience alone could not account for all of our human traits.
Learned by watching the actions of others- through what he called ‘vicarious learning;
Human behaviour is to a large extent socially transmitted, either deliberately or inadvertently
- The representational effects of television
Attentional processes
The effectiveness of a modelled behaviour is dependent on the degree to which the observers attention is focused on the behaviour being modelled.
Our attention is less focused on modelled action than when we watch television ‘indeed, models presented in televised form are so effective in holding attention’
Attentional effects
Bandura argues that media products are more likely to produce modelled behaviour because of the focused attention they command while engaging with them
Normalises violent behaviours as a result of repeated exposure
Modelled learning
Bandura suggests that we learn new behaviours by watching other people (direct modelling).
Behaviours can be inhibited if we see others being punished; conversely, we copy behaviours when they are rewarded
Representational modelling
The process of watching behaviours on-screen. Bandura concludes that representational modelling can be equally, if not more, powerful than direct modelling
Role model efffects
Bandura argues that watching other we hold in high regard can amplify the impact of any modelled behaviours