AUD 3 Internal Control 16 - 6 Operating Cycles - Investing and Financing Cycle Flashcards
Investing and Financing Cycle
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness; and - 2) and have the expectation that the hedge will be highly effective.
The auditor should gather evidence that management has met these requirements.
In addition:
Fair Value Hedges
• For fair value hedges, the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item that is attributable to the hedged risk.
Cash Flow Hedges
• For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions. o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction. o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur. o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness; and - 2) and have the expectation that the hedge will be highly effective.
The auditor should gather evidence that management has met these requirements.
In addition:
Fair Value Hedges
• For fair value hedges, the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item that is attributable to the hedged risk.
Cash Flow Hedges
• For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions. o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction. o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur. o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most t___ing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Pro___ty, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, p___t, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and eq_______t transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment trans______s concerns itself with the different types of controls
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions co_____s itself with the different types of controls
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the diff______ types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of con____s that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that red___ the risk of misstatement.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the ri__ of misstatement.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal con____ structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a g__d internal control structure,
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure,
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good in______l control structure,
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure,
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control stru____, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal a___t staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the int_____ audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will per______ly inspect physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically ins____ physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical as___s.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically ins____ physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit st__f will periodically inspect physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle inc___es acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This c___e includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes ac________s, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disp____s and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depr_________ expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation exp____.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most t___ing related to Property, plant, and equipment (P__) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions con____s itself with the different t___s of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that re___e the ri__ of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a g__d internal control stru_____, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically ins____ physical as___s.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This c___e includes acqu_______s, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, dispo___s and depre______ expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Pro____y, pl__t, and eq____ent (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation ex___se.
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment (PPE) transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Among the obj_____s are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Ve___ying the existence of recorded assets
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the exi_______ of recorded assets
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of re____ed assets
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded as___s
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vo___ing from records to the physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from re____s to the physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the ph______ assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in id_____ying unrecorded disposals.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unr_____ed disposals.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disp____s.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical as___s.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• V___fying the ex______ of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the com______ess of acquisitions
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acq______s
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical as___s to the records.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by T___ing from the physical assets to the records.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the ph___cal assets to the records.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the re____s.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in id____ifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unre____ed acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded ac________ns.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes ac_______s, disposals and depreciation ex____e. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the exi_______ of recorded assets by V____ing from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the com______ss of acquisitions by T___ing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the obj______s are:
• Ve___ying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Ve___ying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the exi_______ of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the comp_______ of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the exi_______ of re____ed assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the comp________ of acq________s by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense. Among the objectives are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
• Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Among the objectives are:
- Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets. This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
- Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records. This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Among the objectives are:
- Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets. This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
- Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records. This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the re____ing of equipment purchases in expense accounts,
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts,
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common pro____ involves the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts,
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts,
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the recording of equipment pur______s in expense accounts,
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts,
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the recording of eq________ purchases in expense accounts,
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts,
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases in ex_______ accounts, especially for repairs and maintenance.
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts, especially for repairs and maintenance.
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts, especially for re____s and maintenance.
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts, especially for repairs and maintenance.
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts, especially for repairs and mai________.
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts, especially for repairs and maintenance.
Investing and Financing Cycle
A com___ problem involves the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts, especially for repairs and maintenance.
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records mentioned above, the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts, since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts, especially for repairs and maintenance.
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records mentioned above, the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts, since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the t___ing of physical assets to records
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical as___s to records
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to re____s
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of ph____al assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal a___t staff may also examine the relevant accounts
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the inte____ audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also exa____ the relevant accounts
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the rele____ accounts
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant acc____s
and compare them with budgeted amounts,
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
and compare them with budgeted amounts,
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
and compare them with b___eted amounts,
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
and compare them with budgeted amounts,
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
and compare them with budgeted am____s,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since l___e variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large va____ces may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the ex____ing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of c___s that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been ca_______ed.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts
and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the t___ing of physical as___s to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the t___ing of physical assets to rec___s,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also exa____the relevant acc____s and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and com____ them with bu____ed amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large vari____s may indicate the ex____ing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that sh___d have been ca____ized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records,
the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts,
since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts, especially for repairs and maintenance.
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records, the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts, since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Investing and Financing Cycle
A common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts, especially for repairs and maintenance.
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records, the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts, since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
What does an entity use to protect itself against various risks that may be inherent in the assets or liabilities they hold?
What does an entity use to protect itself against various risks that may be inherent in the assets or liabilities they hold?
Answer: An entity uses derivatives as hedges
An entity uses derivatives as hedges
to protect itself against various risks that may be
- inherent in the assets or liabilities they hold,
- in anticipated transactions, or
- other aspects of their business.
The purpose of the hedge is to shift the risk to a counter-party.
What does an entity use to protect itself against various risks that may be inherent in the assets they hold?
An entity uses de________ as hedges
to protect itself against various risks that may be
- inherent in the assets or liabilities they hold,
- in anticipated transactions, or
- other aspects of their business.
The purpose of the hedge is to shift the risk to a counter-party.
What does an entity use to protect itself against various risks that may be inherent in the assets they hold?
An entity uses derivatives as hedges
to protect itself against various risks that may be
- inherent in the assets or liabilities they hold,
- in anticipated transactions, or
- other aspects of their business.
The purpose of the hedge is to shift the risk to a counter-party.
What does an entity use to protect itself against various risks that may be in anticipated transactions?
An entity uses de________ as hedges
to protect itself against various risks that may be
- inherent in the assets or liabilities they hold,
- in anticipated transactions, or
- other aspects of their business.
What does an entity use to protect itself against various risks that may be in anticipated transactions?
An entity uses derivatives as hedges
to protect itself against various risks that may be
- inherent in the assets or liabilities they hold,
- in anticipated transactions, or
- other aspects of their business.
What does an entity use to protect itself against various risks that may be inherent in the liabilities they hold?
An entity uses derivatives as he___s
to protect itself against various risks that may be
- inherent in the assets or liabilities they hold,
- in anticipated transactions, or
- other aspects of their business.
What does an entity use to protect itself against various risks that may be inherent in the liabilities they hold?
An entity uses derivatives as hedges
to protect itself against various risks that may be
- inherent in the assets or liabilities they hold,
- in anticipated transactions, or
- other aspects of their business.
What does an entity use to protect itself against various risks that may be inherent in other aspects of their business?
An entity uses ___________ as hedges
to protect itself against various risks that may be
- inherent in the assets or liabilities they hold,
- in anticipated transactions, or
- other aspects of their business.
What does an entity use to protect itself against various risks that may be inherent in other aspects of their business?
An entity uses derivatives as hedges
to protect itself against various risks that may be
- inherent in the assets or liabilities they hold,
- in anticipated transactions, or
- other aspects of their business.
What does an entity use to protect itself against various risks that may be inherent in the assets they hold?
An entity uses ___________ as ________
to protect itself against various risks that may be
- inherent in the assets or liabilities they hold,
- in anticipated transactions, or
- other aspects of their business.
What does an entity use to protect itself against various risks that may be inherent in the assets they hold?
An entity uses derivatives as hedges
to protect itself against various risks that may be
- inherent in the assets or liabilities they hold,
- in anticipated transactions, or
- other aspects of their business.
What is the purpose of the hedge?
The purpose of the hedge is to shift the risk to a counter-party.
What is the purpose of the hedge?
The purpose of the hedge is to ____ the risk to a counter-party.
What is the purpose of the hedge?
The purpose of the hedge is to shift the risk to a counter-party.
What is the purpose of the hedge?
The purpose of the hedge is to shift the ____ to a counter-party.
What is the purpose of the hedge?
The purpose of the hedge is to shift the risk to a counter-party.
What is the purpose of the hedge?
The purpose of the hedge is to shift the risk to a ___________________.
What is the purpose of the hedge?
The purpose of the hedge is to shift the risk to a counter-party.
What is the purpose of the hedge?
The purpose of the hedge is to _____ the ____ to a counter-party.
What is the purpose of the hedge?
The purpose of the hedge is to shift the risk to a counter-party.
What is the purpose of the hedge?
The purpose of the hedge is to shift the risk to a ________-party.
What is the purpose of the hedge?
The purpose of the hedge is to shift the risk to a counter-party.
What are example of an entity uses derivatives as hedges?
- Fair Value Hedge
- Cash Flow Hedge
- Net Investment Hedge
What are example of an entity uses derivatives as hedges?
- Fair Value Hedge
- Cash Flow Hedge
- Net Investment Hedge
What are example of an entity uses derivatives as hedges?
What are example of an entity uses derivatives as hedges?
- Fair Value Hedge
- Cash Flow Hedge
- Net Investment Hedge
What are example of an entity uses derivatives as hedges?
- ____________ Hedge
- Cash Flow Hedge
- Net Investment Hedge
What are example of an entity uses derivatives as hedges?
- Fair Value Hedge
- Cash Flow Hedge
- Net Investment Hedge
What are example of an entity uses derivatives as hedges?
- Fair Value Hedge
- __________ Hedge
- Net Investment Hedge
What are example of an entity uses derivatives as hedges?
- Fair Value Hedge
- Cash Flow Hedge
- Net Investment Hedge
What are example of an entity uses derivatives as hedges?
- Fair Value Hedge
- Cash Flow Hedge
- ________________ Hedge
What are example of an entity uses derivatives as hedges?
- Fair Value Hedge
- Cash Flow Hedge
- Net Investment Hedge
What are example of an entity uses derivatives as hedges?
- ___________ Hedge
- ____________ Hedge
- _________________ Hedge
What are example of an entity uses derivatives as hedges?
- Fair Value Hedge
- Cash Flow Hedge
- Net Investment Hedge
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
- Excerpt from Accounting Standards Codification
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A ______ of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the _________ to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to _________ in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the ____ value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair _____ of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a __________ asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized _____ or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or _______,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an ____________ firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized ____ commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm ___________, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are ____________ to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular ____.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a __________ risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A _____ of the __________ to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to ________ in the fair value of a recognized ____ or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a __________ asset or _______,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an __________ firm ___________ , that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are ______________ to a particular ____.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
Fair Value Hedge
A hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of a recognized asset or liability,
or of an unrecognized firm commitment, that are attributable to a particular risk.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the _________
that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure
that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure
that arises from ________ in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure
that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure
that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial ____ or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure
that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure
that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or _______ (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure
that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure
that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to _________ in a particular ____, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure
that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure
that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate ____ on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure
that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure
that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed ____ debt instrument.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure
that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to __________ or reduce the ________
that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What is a Fair Value Hedge?
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure
that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What type of hedging is this?
• An entity with a fixed rate receivable may be concerned that fluctuations in interest rates will affect its fair value.
They might enter into an interest rate swap in which they will pay out interest at a fixed rate, to offset the interest received, and receive interest from the counterparty at a variable rate.
o As a result, they will always be paying the market rate of interest and changes in the fair value of the note will be offset by changes in the fair value of the derivative used as a hedge.
What type of hedging is this?
Answer: Fair Value Hedge
Fixed rate --> Variable rate
• An entity with a fixed rate receivable may be concerned that fluctuations in interest rates will affect its fair value.
They might enter into an interest rate swap in which they will pay out interest at a fixed rate, to offset the interest received, and receive interest from the counterparty at a variable rate.
o As a result, they will always be paying the market rate of interest and changes in the fair value of the note will be offset by changes in the fair value of the derivative used as a hedge.
What type of hedging is this?
Fixed rate --> Variable rate
What type of hedging is this?
Fixed rate --> Variable rate
Answer: Fair Value Hedge
What type of hedging is this?
An entity might enter into an interest rate swap in which they will pay out interest at a fixed rate, to offset the interest received, and receive interest from the counterparty at a variable rate.
What type of hedging is this?
Answer: Fair Value Hedge
Fixed rate --> Variable rate
• An entity with a fixed rate receivable may be concerned that fluctuations in interest rates will affect its fair value.
They might enter into an interest rate swap in which they will pay out interest at a fixed rate, to offset the interest received, and receive interest from the counterparty at a variable rate.
o As a result, they will always be paying the market rate of interest and changes in the fair value of the note will be offset by changes in the fair value of the derivative used as a hedge.
What type of hedging is this?
_____________ hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
What type of hedging is this?
Answer: Fair Value Hedge
Fixed rate --> Variable rate
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
What type of hedging is this?
The hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
What type of hedging is this?
Answer: Fair Value Hedge
Fixed rate --> Variable rate
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- holding a ____________,
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- holding a commodity,
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- holding a commodity,
- being __________ to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to __________ or sell something on predetermined terms
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or ____ something on predetermined terms
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined _____
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- _______ a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to ________ or ___ something on predetermined terms
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on ______________ terms
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or __________ a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- ________ or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial ___________ that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a __________ instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a _____ interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest ____ and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and __________.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- ________ or _______ a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed ________ rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or ________ a financial __________ that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- ________ or holding a financial __________ that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including:
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges ________ existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The __________ to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing ______, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against ________ in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in ____ value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to ________ in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can _____ from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a ___________,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to __________ or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a _____ interest rate and maturity.
Fair value hedges protect existing assets, liabilities and firm commitments against changes in fair value.
The exposure to changes in fair value can result from a variety of causes including
- holding a commodity,
- being committed to purchase or sell something on predetermined terms or
- issuing or holding a financial instrument that has a fixed interest rate and maturity.
What type of hedging is this?
A ___________ Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What type of hedging is this?
Answer: Fair Value Hedge
A Fair Value Hedge is used when an entity is looking to eliminate or reduce the exposure that arises from changes in the fair value of a financial asset or liability (or other eligible exposure)
due to changes in a particular risk, such as interest rate risk on a fixed rate debt instrument.
What type of hedging is this?
Measurement of Derivative Instrument
[ Change in Fair Value ] + / - –> Income Statement
Measurement of Hedge Item
[ Change in Fair Value + / - –> Income Statement
attributable to risk hedged ]
What type of hedging is this?
Answer: Fair Value Hedge
Measurement of Derivative Instrument
[ Change in Fair Value ] + / - –> Income Statement
Measurement of Hedge Item
[ Change in Fair Value + / - –> Income Statement
attributable to risk hedged ]
What type of hedging is this?
An entity with a variable rate receivable may be concerned about the uncertainty of future cash inflows due to fluctuations in the interest rate.
They might enter into an interest rate swap in which they will pay out interest at a variable rate, to offset the interest received, and receive interest from the counterparty at a fixed rate.
o As a result, regardless of changes in the market interest rate, the entity will receive a steady and predictable stream of interest cash inflows.
What type of hedging is this?
Answer: Cash Flow Hedge
Variable rate --> Fixed rate
An entity with a variable rate receivable may be concerned about the uncertainty of future cash inflows due to fluctuations in the interest rate.
They might enter into an interest rate swap in which they will pay out interest at a variable rate, to offset the interest received, and receive interest from the counterparty at a fixed rate.
o As a result, regardless of changes in the market interest rate, the entity will receive a steady and predictable stream of interest cash inflows.
What type of hedging is this?
An entity might enter into an interest rate swap in which they will pay out interest at a variable rate, to offset the interest received, and receive interest from the counterparty at a fixed rate.
What type of hedging is this?
Answer: Cash Flow Hedge
Variable rate --> Fixed rate
An entity with a variable rate receivable may be concerned about the uncertainty of future cash inflows due to fluctuations in the interest rate.
They might enter into an interest rate swap in which they will pay out interest at a variable rate, to offset the interest received, and receive interest from the counterparty at a fixed rate.
o As a result, regardless of changes in the market interest rate, the entity will receive a steady and predictable stream of interest cash inflows.
What type of hedging is this?
Regardless of changes in the market interest rate, the entity will receive a steady and predictable stream of interest cash inflows.
What type of hedging is this?
Answer: Cash Flow Hedge
Variable rate --> Fixed rate
An entity with a variable rate receivable may be concerned about the uncertainty of future cash inflows due to fluctuations in the interest rate.
They might enter into an interest rate swap in which they will pay out interest at a variable rate, to offset the interest received, and receive interest from the counterparty at a fixed rate.
o As a result, regardless of changes in the market interest rate, the entity will receive a steady and predictable stream of interest cash inflows.
What type of hedging is this?
An entity will always be paying the market rate of interest
and changes in the fair value of the note will be offset by changes in the fair value of the derivative used as a hedge.
What type of hedging is this?
Answer: Fair Value Hedge
Fixed rate --> Variable rate
• An entity with a fixed rate receivable may be concerned that fluctuations in interest rates will affect its fair value.
They might enter into an interest rate swap in which they will pay out interest at a fixed rate, to offset the interest received, and receive interest from the counterparty at a variable rate.
o As a result, they will always be paying the market rate of interest and changes in the fair value of the note will be offset by changes in the fair value of the derivative used as a hedge.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to __________ risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A ____ flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A ____________ hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer ____associated with a forecasted transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a ___________ transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted ___________.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A ______________ may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to _____________ associated with a forecasted transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a ____________________.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a ________ exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward __________ contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange __________
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a __________ in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the ____ flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely ______ the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not ________ affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash _______ associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows ___________ with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the ____________.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to _________ goods or services from a ________ supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or ________ from a foreign __________ may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may _____ into a _________ exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a ______ exchange _________
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make _______ that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the _______ currency _________ rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign _________ exchange ______ does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the ____________ associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A ____________ hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to __________ risk associated with a ________ transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted ____________.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the ____________.
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
What type of hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction?
What type of hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction?
Answer: A cash flow hedge
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier
may enter into what type of contract
to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction?
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into what type of contract to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction?
Answer: Forward Exchange Contract
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
How does a forward exchange contract help a company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier?
How does a forward exchange contract help a company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier?
Answer: A forward exchange contract helps a company to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
A company planning to purchase goods or services from a foreign supplier may enter into a forward exchange contract to make certain that a change in the foreign currency exchange rates does not adversely affect the cash flows associated with the transaction.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the ________ management must
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) _________ the derivative as a hedge;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the ___________ as a hedge;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a _______;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally __________ the hedging relationship,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging ____________,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) ________ document the hedging relationship,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness; and - 2) have the expectation that the hedge will be highly effective.
The auditor should gather evidence that management has met these requirements.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the _________ relationship,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally __________ the _________ relationship,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s _____ management strategy for using the hedge,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk _____________ strategy for using the hedge,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management _________ for using the hedge,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the _____,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally __________ the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management _________ for using the hedge,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge,
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the ________ of assessing its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the method of __________ its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the method of assessing its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the method of assessing its _____________;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the method of assessing its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally ___________ the hedging relationship,
the _________ of assessing its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the method of assessing its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) __________ document the hedging relationship,
the method of assessing its _______________;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) formally document the hedging relationship,
the method of assessing its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) __________ the derivative as a hedge;
formally ________ the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the ___________ as a hedge;
formally document the _______ relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the _________ as a hedge;
formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management _________ for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s ____ management strategy for using the hedge, and
the _________ of assessing its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness;
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness; and - 2) have the ___________ that the hedge will be highly effective.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness; and - 2) have the expectation that the hedge will be highly effective.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 2) have the expectation that the _____ will be highly effective.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 2) have the expectation that the hedge will be highly effective.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 2) have the expectation that the hedge will be highly ________.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 2) have the expectation that the hedge will be highly effective.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 2) have the expectation that the hedge will be ______ effective.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 2) have the expectation that the hedge will be highly effective.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 2) ____ the ___________ that the hedge will be highly effective.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 2) have the expectation that the hedge will be highly effective.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 2) have the expectation that the hedge will be _______ ___________.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 2) have the expectation that the hedge will be highly effective.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) _________ the derivative as a hedge;
formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness; and - 2) have the __________ that the hedge will be highly effective.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness; and - 2) have the expectation that the hedge will be highly effective.
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its _____________; and - 2) have the expectation that the hedge will be highly ________ .
What management must perform in order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument?
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument, at the inception management must
- 1) designate the derivative as a hedge;
formally document the hedging relationship,
the entity’s risk management strategy for using the hedge, and
the method of assessing its effectiveness; and - 2) have the expectation that the hedge will be highly effective.
What does the evidence that the auditor obtains for fair value hedges should support?
What does the evidence that the auditor obtains for fair value hedges should support?
• For fair value hedges, the auditor should obtain evidence
to support the recorded change in the hedged item that is attributable to the hedged risk.
What type of hedge may be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction?
What type of hedge may be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction?
Answer: A cash flow hedge
A cash flow hedge may also be used to transfer risk associated with a forecasted transaction.
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument,
at the inception management must
In order to apply hedge accounting to a derivative instrument,
at the inception management must
designate the derivative as a hedge
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the ____________
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the ______________.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For __________ hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded _______ in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the _______ should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain _________ to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to ________ the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the _________ change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged _____
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged ____.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is ____________ to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value _______,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support
For fair value hedges,
the auditor should obtain evidence to support the recorded change in the hedged item
that is attributable to the hedged risk.
For a ____ flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow _____ of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted __________,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a __________ transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the _______ should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain __________ that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that _________ management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports _____________’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the ___________ transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted ___________ will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably _____.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will _________ occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a _________ hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports ______________’s _______________
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction ____ probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the ___________ _____________ will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction,
the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination
that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include __________:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Regarding the ___________ of similar past transactions.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar ____ transactions.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of _______ past transactions.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past _____________.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the entity’s ______ to execute the transaction.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the _____’s ability to execute the transaction.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the entity’s ability to ______ the transaction.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the ____________.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Indicating the ____ that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o __________ the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Indicating the loss that might _____ if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Indicating the loss that might result if the ___________ does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not _____.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a __________ transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the _________ transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s ___________ that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the ___________ of similar ____ transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of _____ past ____________.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the _____’s ability to ________ the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s _______ to execute the __________.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the ____ that might _____ if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the ____ that might result if the transaction does not ____.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does ___ occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a __________ hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different ___________ might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the _________ that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially ________ transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be ____ to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the ____ business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business _______.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a __________ transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, support may include evidence:
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
o Supporting the ___________ that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different ___________ might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to _______ the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be ____ to achieve the same business purpose.
For a cash flow hedge of a forecasted transaction, the auditor should obtain evidence that supports management’s determination that the forecasted transaction will probably occur.
Support may include evidence:
o Regarding the frequency of similar past transactions.
o Supporting the entity’s ability to execute the transaction.
o Indicating the loss that might result if the transaction does not occur.
o Supporting the likelihood that substantially different transactions might be used to achieve the same business purpose.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the ___________ types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different types of _________ that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different types of controls that ______ the risk of misstatement.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Most ________ related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different _____ of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the ____ of misstatement.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of _____________.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment ______________
concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Most testing related to _________, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions
concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control __________,
the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
In a good internal _______ structure,
the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal ____ staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the _________ audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal audit staff will periodically _______ physical assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal audit staff will ___________ inspect physical assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical _______.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal audit staff will periodically inspect ________ assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal audit _____ will periodically inspect physical assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
In a ____ internal control structure,
the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
In a good internal control structure,
the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes ___________, disposals and depreciation expense.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, __________ and depreciation expense.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation _______.
Most testing related to Property, plant, and equipment transactions concerns itself with the different types of controls that reduce the risk of misstatement.
In a good internal control structure, the internal audit staff will periodically inspect physical assets.
This cycle includes acquisitions, disposals and depreciation expense.
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets. This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
- Verifying the completeness of acquisitions by Tracing from the physical assets to the records. This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the ___________ of recorded assets
- Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the existence of recorded assets
- Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the existence of recorded assets
- Verifying the ____________ of acquisitions
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the existence of recorded assets
- Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the existence of _________ assets
- Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the existence of recorded assets
- Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the existence of recorded assets
- Verifying the completeness of ____________
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the existence of recorded assets
- Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the existence of recorded _______
- Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the existence of recorded assets
- Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the _________ of recorded _______
- Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the existence of recorded assets
- Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the existence of recorded assets
- Verifying the ____________ of ___________
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the existence of recorded assets
- Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- _______ the existence of recorded assets
- _______ the completeness of acquisitions
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
- Verifying the existence of recorded assets
- Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
How an auditor verify the EXISTENCE of recorded assets related to property, plant, and equipment?
How an auditor verify the EXISTENCE of recorded assets related to property, plant, and equipment?
Vouching (back) Record --> Physical Assets
Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
Among testing the objectives related to PPE are:
• Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets. This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
How an auditor verify the EXISTENCE of recorded assets related to property, plant, and equipment?
by _________ from _______ to the _____________.
How an auditor verify the EXISTENCE of recorded assets related to property, plant, and equipment?
Vouching (back) Record --> Physical Assets
Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
How an auditor verify the EXISTENCE of recorded assets related to property, plant, and equipment?
How an auditor verify the EXISTENCE of recorded assets related to property, plant, and equipment?
Vouching (back) Record --> Physical Assets
Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
How an auditor verify the EXISTENCE of recorded assets related to property, plant, and equipment?
by vouching or tracing?
How an auditor verify the EXISTENCE of recorded assets related to property, plant, and equipment?
Vouching (back) Record --> Physical Assets
Verifying the existence of recorded assets
by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
How an auditor identify unrecorded disposals related to property, plant, and equipment?
How an auditor identify unrecorded disposals?
Vouching (back) Record --> Physical Assets
Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
How an auditor identify unrecorded disposals related to property, plant, and equipment?
by vouching or tracing?
How an auditor identify unrecorded disposals?
Vouching (back) Record --> Physical Assets
Verifying the existence of recorded assets by Vouching from records to the physical assets.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded disposals.
How an auditor verify the COMPLETENESS of acquisitions related to property, plant, and equipment?
How an auditor verify the COMPLETENESS of acquisitions related to property, plant, and equipment?
Tracing Physical Assets --> Records
Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
How an auditor verify the COMPLETENESS of acquisitions related to property, plant, and equipment?
by vouching or tracing?
How an auditor verify the COMPLETENESS of acquisitions related to property, plant, and equipment?
Tracing Physical Assets --> Records
Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
How an auditor identify unrecorded acquisitions related to property, plant, and equipment?
How an auditor identify unrecorded acquisitions?
Tracing Physical Assets --> Records
Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
How an auditor identify unrecorded acquisitions related to property, plant, and equipment?
by vouching or tracing?
How an auditor identify unrecorded acquisitions?
Tracing Physical Assets --> Records
Verifying the completeness of acquisitions
by Tracing from the physical assets to the records.
This can assist in identifying unrecorded acquisitions.
What is a common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases?
What is a common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases?
Answer: Recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts,
especially for repairs and maintenance.
What is a common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases?
A common problem involves
the recording of equipment purchases in _________ accounts,
What is a common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases?
Answer: A common problem involves
the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts,
especially for repairs and maintenance.
What is a common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases?
A common problem involves
the _________ of equipment purchases in expense accounts,
What is a common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases?
A common problem involves
the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts,
especially for repairs and maintenance.
What is a common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases?
A common problem involves
the recording of equipment ____________ in expense accounts,
What is a common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases?
A common problem involves
the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts,
especially for repairs and maintenance.
What is a common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases?
A common problem involves
the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts,
especially for ______ and maintenance.
What is a common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases?
A common problem involves
the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts,
especially for repairs and maintenance.
What is a common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases?
A common problem involves
the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts,
especially for repairs and __________ .
What is a common problem involves the recording of equipment purchases?
A common problem involves
the recording of equipment purchases in expense accounts,
especially for repairs and maintenance.
What is the account that the recording of equipment purchases was usually mistakenly recorded into?
What is the account that the recording of equipment purchases was usually mistakenly recorded into?
Answer: Expense accounts
Large variances may indicate the expensing of _____ that should have been capitalized.
Large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been __________.
Large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Large __________ may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Why the internal audit staff may examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts, related to property, plant, and equipment?
Why the internal audit staff may examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts, related to property, plant, and equipment?
Answer: Since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.
Besides the tracing of physical assets to records mentioned above, the internal audit staff may also examine the relevant accounts and compare them with budgeted amounts, since large variances may indicate the expensing of costs that should have been capitalized.