AUD 3 Internal Control 15 - 5 Service Organizations Flashcards
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Det______ that the date of a type 1 report,
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report,
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the d___ of a type 1 report,
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report,
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 re____,
or the period covered by a type 2 report
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report,
or the period covered by a type 2 report
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report,
or the pe____ covered by a type 2 report
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report,
or the period covered by a type 2 report
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report,
or the period covered by a type 2 re____
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report,
or the period covered by a type 2 report
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report,
or the period co___ed by a type 2 report
is appropriate for the auditor’s needs
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report,
or the period covered by a type 2 report
is appropriate for the auditor’s needs
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report,
or the period covered by a type 2 report
is ap________ for the auditor’s needs
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report,
or the period covered by a type 2 report
is appropriate for the auditor’s needs
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report,
or the period covered by a type 2 report
is appropriate for the auditor’s n__ds
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report,
or the period covered by a type 2 report
is appropriate for the auditor’s needs
Service Organizations
To r__y upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report,
or the period covered by a type 2 report
is appropriate for the auditor’s needs
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine that the date of a type 1 report,
or the period covered by a type 2 report
is appropriate for the auditor’s needs
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor sh___d:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control;
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control;
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Eva______ whether the evidence provided by the report
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evi______ provided by the report
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the re____
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence pr____ed by the report
is appropriate and sufficient
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
is appropriate and sufficient
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
is app_______ and sufficient
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
is appropriate and sufficient
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
is appropriate and suf_______
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
is appropriate and sufficient
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
is appropriate and sufficient
for the pur____ of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control;
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
is appropriate and sufficient
for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control;
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
is appropriate and sufficient
for the purpose of ob____ing an understanding of the user’s internal control;
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
is appropriate and sufficient
for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control;
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
is appropriate and sufficient
for the purpose of obtaining an un_______ing of the user’s internal control;
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
is appropriate and sufficient
for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control;
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
is appropriate and sufficient
for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the u___’s internal control;
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
is appropriate and sufficient
for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control;
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
is appropriate and sufficient
for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal con____;
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report
is appropriate and sufficient
for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control;
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Det_____ if the user entity has developed controls
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the u___ entity has developed controls
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has dev____ed controls
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed con____s
that are complementary to those of the service organization
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are com_______tary to those of the service organization
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the ser____ organization
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that ad___ss risks of material misstatement
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that address risks of material misstatement
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that address r___s of material misstatement
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that address risks of material misstatement
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that address risks of material miss________
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that address risks of material misstatement
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that address risks of material misstatement relating to rel_____ assertions
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that address risks of material misstatement re___ing to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant as_______s in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s fin_______ statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the u___’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
• Determine if the user entity has developed controls
that are complementary to those of the service organization
that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely up__ a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a t___ 1 or t___ 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 re____, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- De________ that the d___ of a t___ 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Det_______ that the date of a type 1 report, or the pe____ co___ed by a t___ 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is ap________ for the auditor’s n__ds;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Eva______ whether the evi______ provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence pr____ed by the re____ is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appr_______ and suff______ for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the pu______ of ob____ing an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an und______ing of the user’s int_____ control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Det_______ if the u___entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has de_____ed con____s that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are com_________ry to those of the ser____ organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that a______ss ri__s of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of ma______ miss_______ relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement re____ing to rel______ assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant as_______s in the us__’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial sta_______s.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the a_______ should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the au_____ of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the u___ entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to r__y on the controls at the service organization,
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the con____s at the service organization,
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the ser____ organization,
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to t___s of controls,
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of con____s,
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be acco______ed by:
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Ob____ing and reading a type 2 report
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Obtaining and reading a type 2 report
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Obtaining and r____ing a type 2 report
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Obtaining and reading a type 2 report
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Obtaining and reading a t___ 2 report
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Obtaining and reading a type 2 report
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Obtaining and reading a type 2 re____
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Obtaining and reading a type 2 report
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- A____ing tests of controls at the service organization;
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization;
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying t___s of controls at the service organization;
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization;
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Applying tests of con____s at the service organization;
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Applying tests of controls at the service organization;
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Applying tests of controls at the ser____ organization;
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Applying tests of controls at the service organization;
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- U___ng another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another au_____ to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Using ano____ auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Using another auditor to per____ tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Using another auditor to perform t____ of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Using another auditor to perform tests of con____ at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the ser____ organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
• Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user e____ty intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity in____s to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be su_____ed to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Ob____ing and r____ing a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a t___ 2 re____;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Ap___ing t___s of con____s at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the ser____ orga_______; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- U___g ano____ auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another au_____ to per____ tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform t___s of co_____ at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the ser____ organi_______.
Service Organizations
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls,
which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls, which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
To rely upon a type 1 or type 2 report, the auditor should:
- Determine that the date of a type 1 report, or the period covered by a type 2 report is appropriate for the auditor’s needs;
- Evaluate whether the evidence provided by the report is appropriate and sufficient for the purpose of obtaining an understanding of the user’s internal control; and
- Determine if the user entity has developed controls that are complementary to those of the service organization that address risks of material misstatement relating to relevant assertions in the user’s financial statements.
When the auditor of the user entity intends to rely on the controls at the service organization,
they must be subjected to tests of controls, which may be accomplished by:
- Obtaining and reading a type 2 report;
- Applying tests of controls at the service organization; or
- Using another auditor to perform tests of control at the service organization.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the au_____’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s t___ of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of con____s consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of o_____ing and reading a type 2 report,
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and ____ing a type 2 report,
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a t___ 2 report,
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 re____,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will eva______ the report to determine:
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the re____ to determine:
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to dete_____:
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether it is f__ an appropriate period
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether it is for an appropriate period
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether it is for an app________ period
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether it is for an appropriate period
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether it is for an appropriate pe____
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether it is for an appropriate period
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are com________ry controls at the user entity
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary con____s at the user entity
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the u__r entity identified by the service organization
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity id____ied by the service organization
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the ser____ organization
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as ad______ing risks of material misstatement
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing ri__s of material misstatement
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of ma______ misstatement
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, de_______ing if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those con____s have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been de____ed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and imp_______ed and applying tests of controls to them;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and a___ying tests of controls to them;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying t___s of controls to them;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of con____s to them;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
• If the t___ period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
• If the time pe____ covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement
and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period co___ed by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period covered by t___s of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is ade_____ and evaluating the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and ev_____ing the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the l____th of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of t___ since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time si___ testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since t___ing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing;
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether t___s of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of con____s performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls per____ed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the ser____ auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service au_____ provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor pro____ sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide suff_______ appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient app________ audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate a____ evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evid______ to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to sup____ the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the u___ auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s r___ assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk asse_______.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
• Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the au_____’s t___ of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will ev_______ the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to deter____:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appr_______ pe____;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary con____s at the u___ entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the ser____ organization as ad______sing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, det______ing if those con____s have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been de____ed and im________ed and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and ap___ing t___s of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the t___ pe____ covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period co___ed by t___s of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of con____s is ade______ and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and ev______ing the l___th of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of t___ since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of t___ since t___ing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether t___s of con____s performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor pro___ sufficient appr_______ audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide suff______ appropriate audit evi_______ to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to sup____ the us__ auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s r__k ass________.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 re____,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.
Service Organizations
If the auditor’s test of controls consists of obtaining and reading a type 2 report,
the auditor will evaluate the report to determine:
- Whether it is for an appropriate period;
- Whether there are complementary controls at the user entity identified by the service organization as addressing risks of material misstatement and, if so, determining if those controls have been designed and implemented and applying tests of controls to them;
- If the time period covered by tests of controls is adequate and evaluating the length of time since testing; and
- Whether tests of controls performed by the service auditor provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the user auditor’s risk assessment.