Attention 1 Flashcards
What is Attention?
The ability to actively process information in the environment by filtering/tuning out irrelevant details
What are the 2 types of attention?
1) Active attention
2) Passive attention
Define Active attention
- Top Down
- Attention driven by knowledge, experience and expectations
Define Passive attention
- Bottom Up
- Attention driven by environmental stimuli
Who said Attention is the “withdrawal from some things to deal effectively with other things”?
William James
What is Selective Auditory Attention?
The act of intentionally attending/focusing on a specific source of sound or spoken words
How can Selective Auditory Attention be observed?
Dichotic Listening task
Who proposed the Dichotic Listening task?
Colin Cherry
Explain the Dichotic Listening task
- Participants listen to 2 messages, 1 in each ear
- Their task is to shadow/repeat one of the messages out loud
What is shadowing and what does it tell experimenters in the Dichotic Listening task?
- Shadowing = Repeating
- Shadowing allows experimenters to see whether participants were paying attention to one of the audios and not getting distracted by the other
How has Attention been explained? List 5 theories
1) Broadbent’s Filter Theory
2) Attentional Paradox and Cherry’s Cocktail Party effect
3) Triesman’s Attentional Theory
4) Deutsch and Deutsch’s Late Selection Theory
5) Lavies Perceptual Load Theory
Explain Broadbent’s Filter Theory
- Broadbent proposed that a filter (sitting between the short-term store and limited-capacity channel) prevents overloading a limited capacity beyond the filter
- Filter allows information to enter one at a time
- Other less relevant inputs remain in buffer for later processing
Explain Cherry’s Cocktail Party effect
- Cherry noticed that when talking to a friend at a party, whilst actively attending to the friend, you would still be able to hear someone call your name from a distance
List the 2 examples of experiments performed to investigate the effects of unattended information on behaviour
- Von Wright
- Mackay
Explain the Von Wright experiment
- Paired words with electric shock (CS+)
- Performed Dichotic Listening task with the CS+ words
- Participants had increased Galvanic Skin Response (emotional arousal)
Explain the MacKay experiment
- Performed Dichotic Listening task
- The attended ear played a sentence and the unattended ear played a word
- Participants were unable to recall word played in the unattended ear but also failed to shadow the exact attended ear message
What did the Dichotic Listening task discover/conclude?
- In the non-attended ear, participants noticed basic characteristics of the audio (E.G. Female vs Male voice or Silence vs Audio)
- Participants did not notice the content of the audio
- Participants did not notice the language or order changes of the audio
Explain Triesman’s Attenuation Theory
- Believes humans process information based on physical cues
- Unattended input is not completely rejected but filter reduces analysis of unattended signal
What is the term used to describe the act of shadowing certain parts of an unattended message?
Who thought of the Filter theory?
Who thought of the Cocktail Party effect theory?
Who thought of the Attenuation theory
Who thought of the Late Selection theory?
Deutsch and Deutsch
Who thought of the Perceptual Load theory?
Why does breakthrough sometimes happen?
- Because some stimuli are consistent with our experiences/knowledge, thus the processing threshold is lowered
- When threshold is low, some unattended stimuli exceeds the threshold
- Some stimuli are also commonly used or heard (e.g. our name)