Attachment & Relationships Flashcards
The theory of close relationships developed by Bowlby and Ainsworth and grounded in ethological theory (with psychoanalytic theory and cognitive
attachment theory
The theory that close emotional bonds such
as parent–child attachments are biologically
based and contribute to species survival.
attachment theory
An innate form of learning in which the young of certain species will follow and become attached to moving objects (usually their mothers) during a critical period early in life.
A hormone that plays important roles in facilitating parent-infant attachment as well as reducing anxiety and encouraging affiliation in other social relationships.
As distinguished from attachment, a more biologically-based process in which parent and infant form a connection through contact in the first hours after birth when both are highly alert.
According to neo-Freudian Harry Stack Sullivan, a close friendship in childhood that provides emotional support and teaches children how to participate in intimate relationships.
In attachment theory, cognitive representation of self and other that children construct from their interactions with caregivers and that shape their expectations about relationships.
internal working model
A social equal; a person who functions at a level of behavioral complexity similar to that of the self, often someone of similar age.
A “secondary emotion” such as embarrassment or pride that requires an awareness of self; unlikely to emerge until about 18 months of age.
self-conscious emotion
Infants’ monitoring of companions’ emotional reactions in ambiguous situations and use of this information to decide how they should feel and behave.
social referencing
The processes involved in initiating, maintaining, and altering emotional responses.
emotion regulation
Harmonious, dance-like interaction between infant and caregiver in which each adjusts behavior in response to that of the other.
synchronized routine
A wary or fretful reaction that infants display when separated from their attachment objects.
separation anxiety
In Bowlby’s attachment theory, the most mature phase of attachment in which parent and child accommodate to each other’s needs and the child becomes more independent.
goal-corrected partnership
A wary or fretful reaction that infants often display when approached by an unfamiliar person.
stranger anxiety
A point of safety, represented by an infant’s attachment figure, that permits exploration of the environment.
secure base
An infant–caregiver bond or intimate relationship in which the individual welcomes close contact, uses the attachment object as a source of comfort, and dislikes but can manage separations.
secure attachment
A series of mildly stressful experiences involving the departure of the parent and exposure to a stranger to which infants are exposed to determine the quality of their attachments; developed by Ainsworth.
Strange Situation
An insecure infant caregiver bond or other intimate relationship characterized by strong separation anxiety and a tendency to show ambivalent reactions to the attachment object upon reunion, seeking and yet resisting contact.
resistant attachment
An insecure infant caregiver bond or other intimate relationship characterized by little separation anxiety and a tendency to avoid or ignore the attachment object upon reunion.
avoidant attachment
An insecure infant–caregiver bond, common among abused children, that combines features of the resistant and avoidant attachment styles and is characterized by the infant’s dazed response to reunion and confusion about whether to approach or avoid the caregiver.
disorganized–disoriented attachment
A disturbed attachment pattern observed in socially deprived children that involves indiscriminate friendliness toward both parents and strangers, lack of appropriate wariness of strangers, and difficulty regulating emotions well enough to participate in real, reciprocal social interactions.
disinhibited attachment
The pleasurable tactile sensations provided by a parent or a soft, terry cloth mother substitute; believed to foster attachments in infant monkeys and possibly humans.
contact comfort
Symbolic play in which one actor, object, or action symbolizes or stands for another.
pretend play
A form of play that involves both cooperation with playmates and pretend or symbolic activity.
social pretend play
Methods for determining who is well liked and popular and who is disliked or neglected in a group.
sociometric techniques
Excessive discussion and analysis of personal problems with a close friend.
A network of heterosexual cliques that forms during adolescence and facilitates mixedsex social activities.
A small friendship group that interacts frequently.
The changing cadre of significant people who serve as sources of social support to the individual during the life span.
social convoy
Carstensen’s notion that our needs change as we grow older and that we actively choose to narrow our range of social partners to those who can best meet our emotional needs.
socioemotional selectivity theory
The tendency of older adults to pay more attention to, better remember, and put more priority on positive information than on negative information.
positivity effect
Mate selection or marriage on the basis of similarity in demographic and personal characteristics.
Robert Sternberg’s model describing types of love in terms of three components: passion, intimacy, and decision/commitment.
triangular theory of love
In Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, love with high levels of all three components of love: passion, intimacy, and decision/commitment.
consummate love
In Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, affectionate love characterized by high intimacy and commitment but low passion.
companionate love
A spouse, relative, or friend to whom a person feels emotionally close and with whom that person can share thoughts and feelings.
A balance of contributions and gains in a social relationship that results in neither partner feeling over or under-benefited.
A psychiatric diagnosis affecting socially deprived and maltreated children that involves either emotionally withdrawn behavior or “disinhibited” attachment that involves indiscriminate interest in people with lack of appropriate wariness of strangers.
reactive attachment disorder