Attachment, Emotions, Aggression, and Moral Development Flashcards
_______________ theory describes the attachment of an infant to his or her mother as the consequence of oral gratification.
_______________ Theory regards attachment as the result of reinforcement (i.e., infants develop attachments to people who provide them with food, affection, and other pleasurable experiences).
_________________ describes the pleasant, tactile sensation that is provided by a soft, cuddly parent. Harlow’s research underpinned this concept; rhesus monkeys were found to prefer a terrycloth mother over a wire mesh one irrespective of who provided food.
Contact comfort.
_______________ Theory, evolving from studies of non-human animals (e.g., imprinting in geese) proposes that humans and other organisms have a biological tendency to form attachments because they help guarantee an infant’s survival.
Bowlby distinguishes between four stages of attachment development that occur during the first two years of life:
- Pre-attachment
- Attachment in the making
- Clearcut attachment
- Reciprocal relationships
Bowlby postulates that, due to experiences during early attachment stages, an ____________________________, or mental representation of self and others, develops - influencing future relationships.
Internal working model.
By ___ to ___ months of age, infants emit atttachment behaviors that are increasingly directed toward primary caregiver(s).
6 to 7 months.
Social referencing, separation anxiety, and stranger anxiety are all considered _______________________.
Signs of attachment.
__________________________ involves looking to a caregiver to determine how to respond in new or ambiguous situations.
Social referencing.
Social anxiety typically begins at approximately ___ to ___ months of age, peaks in intensity at ___ to ___ months, and then gradually declines.
- 6 to 8 months
- 14 to 18 months
By about ___ to ___ months, infants exhibit stranger anxiety; this continues until about age ___ and then diminishes.
- 8 to 10 months
- Age 2
Ainsworth derived ___ patterns of attachment from observations in the _________________.
- 4
- Strange Situation
_____________ Attachment: The baby explores the room and plays with toys in the room when his/her mother is present. The baby becomes mildly upset when the mother leaves and actively seeks contact with her when she returns. Mothers are sensitive and responsive to their babies’ cues.
____________________ Attachment: The baby alternates between clinging and resisting his/her mother, becomes very disturbed when left alone with a stranger, and is ambivalent when the mother returns and may become angry and resist her attempts at physical contact. Mothers of these children are often moody and inconsistent in their caregiving.
Insecure (Anxious)/Ambivalent (also referred to as Insecure/Resistant).
______________________ Attachment: The baby interacts very little with his/her mother, shows little distress when she leaves the room, and avoids or ignores her when she returns. Mothers are very impatient and unresponsive or, at the other extreme, provide their children with too much stimulation.
Insecure (Anxious)/Avoidant Attachment.
______________________ Attachment: These children exhibit fear of their caregivers, a dazed or confused facial expression, and a variety of other disorganized attachment behaviors (e.g., greeting mother when she returns but then turning away from her). About 80% of infants who have been mistreated by their caregivers exhibit this pattern.
Insecurely attached children are less likely to develop adjustment problems when:
- Their parents’ caregiving skills improve.
- They develop strong bonds to individuals outside the immediate family.
While research exhibits that children usually exhibit similar types of attachment to both parents, the interactions leading to attachment center more around _______________ for fathers but on _______________ and __________ for mothers.
- Play
- Nurturance and caring
For children separated from primary caregivers at an early age, children separated prior to ___ months of age show little to no negative consequences, but children who are ___ months or older exhibit moderate to extreme reactions, including feeding and sleeping problems, social withdrawal, increased stranger anxiety, and either physical rejection of the new mother or excessive clinginess to her.
- 3 months
- 9 months