Atoms And Molecules Flashcards
What is an atom? Why is it significant?
An atom is and is significant because it is the smallest identifiable amount of an element that cannot be broken down into other substances.
What are subatomic particles?
Subatomic particles include protons, electrons, and neutrons these compose an atom
How do elements react?
Chemical reactivity occurs when an electrons outer shell is not fully filled but wants to be filled
What is an element?
A substance consisting of one type of atom with a specific number of protons
What is an atom?
Smallest unit of life
Why is the periodic table important?
It organized elements based on there functions in columns and rows and groups based on protons electrons mass
What is the atomic number?
It is the number of protons in nucleus of an atom GIVING THE AATOM ITS IDENTITY
What is the atomic mass (weight)
Weight of number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom
What are energy shells?
Aka electron shells are when orbitals are grouped into levels
Concept of reactivity
Elements react when an element outer most shell is only partial ended
How is the periodic table organized?
Organized on the elements amount of protons and its properties
What are protons?
Protons are positively charged particles in the nucleus of an atom
What are neutrons?
Neutrons are neutrally charged particles in a nucleus
What are electrons?
They are negatively charged particles orbiting around nucleus
How do you find the atomic number?
Atomic number is above the elements name
How do you find atomic mass?
Protons+ neutrons the number is below element name
How do you find the number of electrons of an atom of an element?
The number of electrons is usually the amount of protons
What is potential energy of an atom?
The further away electrons are from nucleus the higher potential energy there is
What is potential energy?
Stored energy
What is kinetic energy?
Energy of motion
What are the three rules of atomic bonding?
- atoms and molecules are the basis for the formation of chemical compounds.
- bond that is formed between two or more atoms is an electromagnetic of the attraction between positive and negative charges.
- Electrons have a negative charge and are attracted to and held in an orbit by the positively charged nucleus
What is the relationship of the atoms outer shell and chemical reactivity?
The atoms outer shell is known as the VALENCE SHELL
When this shell is not filled it is unstable it tries to achieve stability by forming chemical bonds this bond results in chemical reactivity
How does chemical reactivity influence atomic bonding?
Chemical reactivity is formed by atoms bonding this bonding produces a more stable atom
What are compounds?
Compounds are any substances that consist more of one different type of element that is chemically bonded together
What are molecules?
Molecules are substances made up of two or more atoms held together by a covalent bond
What is an ionic bond? Examples?
It is the Mutual attractions of ions of opposite charges
Ex: sodium chloride- chloride lost an electron making it negative and sodium gained an electron making it positive
What is a covalent bond? Examples?
Chemical bonds that result in the sharing of one or more pair of electrons
Ex: water H2O both hydrogen atoms share with oxygen to fulfill oxygen ring or. Ice versa
Which elements are most common in human body?
C arbon
H ydrogen
O xygen
N itrogen
P hosphorus
S ulfur
What are electrolytes?
Any compound that dissociates ions when dissolved in water
These compounds are able to ionize and carry an electrical current
What are anions?
Anions are negatively charged ions
What are cations?
Cations are positively charged ions
Ex. Cl-
What is kinetic energy in relation to atoms?
All molecules have some degree of kinetic energy be cause they are constantly in motion
What are ions?
Is either an atom that has gained or lost electrons in electrical changes
Include anions (negative charge)
Or cations ( positive charge)