Atomic structure Flashcards
What is the structure of an atom?
Atoms have a nucleus at the center with positively charged protons and neutrons with no charge.
What charge do electrons have?
Electrons have a negative charge and move around the nucleus in energy levels or shells.
Why are atoms considered neutral?
Atoms are neutral as they have the same number of protons and electrons.
What does the atomic number represent?
Atomic number = Number of protons.
What does the atomic mass represent?
Atomic mass = Number of protons and neutrons.
What are the properties of protons?
Proton: Mass = 1, Charge = +1, Location = Nucleus.
What are the properties of neutrons?
Neutron: Mass = 1, Charge = 0, Location = Nucleus.
What are the properties of electrons?
Electron: Mass = 1/1836, Charge = -1, Location = Energy levels around nucleus.
How are atomic masses represented on the periodic table?
We use relative atomic masses which are listed on the periodic table as the larger number.
What is the atomic number and mass for an atom with 11 protons?
Atomic number = 11, Atomic mass = 2.