ATLS- MSK injuries Flashcards
Why should an ED doc not worry about completely reducing an open fracture back into the skin?
Will require surgical debridement
How do anterior and posterior shoulder dislocations classically appear?
Anterior = Squared off Posterior = Locked in internal rotation
How do posterior elbow dislocations appear?
Olecranon prominent posteriorly
How do anterior and posterior hip dislocations appear on exam?
Anterior = flexed, abducted and externally rotated Posterior = Flexed adducted and internally rotated
When is the only time an x-ray is not indicated prior to reduction of a broken bone?
In the presence of vascular compromise or impending skin breakdown
What are the two major extremity injuries that are potentially life threatening?
Major arterial hemorrhage
crush syndrome
What are the stabilizing measures used to stop hemorrhage?
Tourniquet use and direct pressure
What is the recommended rate of urinary output to prevent renal failure with rhabdo?
100 mL/hr
Should you ever explore an open wound?
True or false: if a fracture and a wound exist on the same limb, it is considered an open wound until proven otherwise
What is the only way to determine if a wound is an open fracture?
Surgically explore it in the OR
What two antimicrobial interventions should all patients with open wounds receive?
Abx and tetatnus
How long can muscle tolerate a lack of arterial flow for?
6 hours
How many attempts should be made at relocating a dislocated joint when arterial insufficiency is present?
Once. If unsuccessful, then splint and emergently call a surgeon
Is a patient with multiple injuries who requires intensive resuscitation and emergency surgery a candidate for replantation?
What is the appropriate way to save an amputated finger?
Wrap with isotonic solution in sterile gauze and PCN, and put in ice, but do not freeze
When in the course of disease does the lack of a pulse present itself with compartment syndrome?