Asthma and COPD Flashcards
Presentation: Episodic wheezing, SOB, chest pain, cough
Asthma spirometry test after give bronchodilator will improve FEV by what percentage?
Positive asthma DX with Methacholine challenge
Drop in lung function or FEV by 20%
Lab finding: CXR can show hyperinflation, bronchiole wall thickening, and diminished lung markings
Asthma patient that experiences 1-2 of the four symptoms in a four week period
Partially controlled
Patient with asthma who experiences 3-4 symptoms in past four weeks?
Asthma with 2+ exacerbations per year, daily symptoms, and nighttime wakings 1x per week
Persistent moderate
Presentation: 53 y/o patient, leaned forward, uncomfortable, having trouble breathing, appears cachectic,
Presentation: 53 y/o patient, leaned forward, uncomfortable, having trouble breathing, appears cachectic, quiet lung sounds with no adventitious sounds
HgB high; low Pa02; CXR increased interstitial markings at bases; diaphragm not flattened
Chronic bronchitis
CXR hyperinflation with diminished markings; flat diaphragm; Total lung capacity increased; DlCO reduced
Presentation: 37 y/o patient with major chronic cough with production, overweight, cyanotic skin tone, wheezes and rhonchi heard on auscultation
Chronic bronchitis
Treatment for patients with COPD in class B-D
Smoking cessation; pulmonary rehab; Prescribe bronchodilator, & Group B give LABA and LAMA
LABA, LAMA, and ICS if eosinophil count is >300
Short acting Beta agonists for asthma/COPD (bronchodilator) & Adverse effects
SABA, SAMA: relaxes airways in 5 minutes: can cause tachycardia, tremor, ECG changes if overdosed
Long term pharmacological control for asthma
Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS); Long acting B2 agonist (LABA); long-acting muscarinic agonist (LAMA); Leukotriene modifiers (LTRA)
When are biologics indicated as treatment for asthma?
for allergic asthma or >300 eosinophil & on high dose ICS, not doing well
What drug class can never be used as monotherapy for asthma patients?
LABA - long acting beta agonist
What asthma treatment can cause dry mouth, blurred vision, flushing, and agitation?
LAMA - long acting muscarinic agonist
Most common treatment for severe uncontrolled asthma with eosinophil count >300?
What is the best first line LAMA for COPD exacerbations?
What drugs are very helpful for all severity levels of asthma patients, but aren’t very effective in patients with COPD?
ICS - inhaled corticosteroid
When is it appropriate to prescribe antibiotics in the treatment of COPD?
PT has increased dyspnea, sputum volume and purulence, if they need mechanical ventilation; altered mental status likely due to lack of 02
First line non-nicotine replacement drugs for smoking cessation and their adverse effects
Bupropion - seizures, suicide risk, insomnia
Chantix (varenicline): nausea dose dependent; somnambulism; CNS events