Asthma And COPD Flashcards
Chronic inflammatory respiratory disease, increased airway hyperresponsiveness
Drugs used in asthma
Bronchodilators (B agonist and anticholinergic)
Leukotriene’s antagonists
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors
Mild intermittent
Inhaled B2 agonist symptomatically
Mild or moderate persistent
Inhaled steroid or leukotriene antagonist daily + inhaled B2 agonist symptomatically
Severe persistent
Oral steroids+ inhaled high dose steroid daily + long acting B2 agonist or lekotriene antagonist daily+ inhaled B2 agonist for symptoms
Nasal polyp
Aspirin allergy
Samster’s triad
Management for asthma pts
Late morning appts
Avoid allergens
Minimize stress- sedation
Keep salbutamol handy
Avoid aspirin
Avoid NSAIDs if persistent
Management of asthma attack
Upright position
Two deep inhale salbutamol and 1 puff if child
Repeat 2 more times every 5 mins
If persists then epi 0.3 to 0.5 mg IM call 911
Give theophyline 250-500mg IV slowly over 10 min period
Give hydrocortisone sodium succinate 100mg IV
Excessive amount of mucus, difficulty breathing, chronic coughing
Chronic bronchitis
Meds: albutarol and fluticasone
Air sacs over inflated, shortness of breath, impairs pt’s ability to exhale completely
Meds: theophylline
Blue bloaters
Chronic bronchitis
Pink puffers
Enlarged chest walls
Severe exertional dyspnea
Mild non productive cough
Lack of cyanosis
Pursing of lips
Considerations for COPD pts
Semi supine or upright
If symptoms and oxygen <91% then reschedule
Avoid NsAIDs and aspirin
Relative contraindications for opioids and N2O