Asthma Flashcards
what are the two components of asthma?
1) increase tone of bronchial smooth muscle
2) inflammation and edema of the airways
what drug can make asthma worse? Or induce it?
what is intermittent asthma?
1) less than or equal to 2 symptoms/week
2) less than or equal to 2 nights of sleepnessness/ MONTH
3) PEF is less than or equal to 80% predicted
What is mild persistent asthma?
1) more than 2 symptoms/week
2) more than 2 nights of sleepnessness/ MONTH
3) PEF is less than or equal to 80%
what is moderate persistent asthma?
1) daily symptoms
2) more than 1 nights of sleepnessness/ WEEK
3) PEF is between 61 and 80%
what is severe persistent asthma?
1) constant symptoms
2) frequent nights of sleepnessness
3) PEF is less or equal to 60%
asthma control criteria: daytime symptoms
less than 4 days/week
asthma control criteria: night-time symptoms
less than 1 night/week
asthma control criteria: physical activity
asthma control criteria: exacerabations
mild, infrequent
asthma control criteria: absence from school/work due to asthma
asthma control criteria: need for fast-acting beta2 agonist
less than 4 doses/week
asthma control criteria: FEV1 or PEF
more than or equal to 90% personal best
asthma control criteria: PEF diurnal variation
less than 10-15%
asthma control criteria: sputum eosinophils
less than 2-3%