Assessment pt. 2 Flashcards
What are the (3) Strategies/Approaches to Assessment and Instruction?
1) Bottom-Up (ex. TGMD-2)
2) Top-Down (ex. APA)
3) Ecological Task Analysis (ETA)
Which strategy provides a broad foundation of fundamental skills during early years?
Bottom-Up strategy
Which strategy breaks skill down into smaller parts to work on one at a time?
Bottom-Up strategy
The primary goal of the Bottom-Up strategy is to help the individual achieve success in…(2)
1) movement skill foundations
2) basic skills
What are the advantages of the Bottom-Up strategy? (2)
1) Works at building a solid foundation to facilitate the learning of future skills
2) Experience success at each step
What are the disadvantages of the Bottom-Up Strategy? (2)
1) Time consuming
2) *exclusive emphasis on movement skill foundations
Which is the task specific strategy?
The Top-Down Approach combines…(2)
1) Adapted PE
- modifications or adaptations that allow students to participate in functional, age appropriate PA as fully as possible.
2) Developmental PE
- improve actual skills of performer
What are the advantages of the Top-Down Strategy? (2)
1) considers the *Ultimate Goal (functional movement skill)
2) Takes less time
What are the disadvantages of the Top-Down Strategy?
1) Specific functional movement skill may be beyond the capabilities of the student
2) Frustration/failure
What is the Ecological Task Analysis (ETA)?
Is a method of assessment and instruction
ETA suggests that there are (3) main factors that influence movement performance. What are they?
1) Task Goal
- what the performer is trying to do
2) environmental conditions
- performer is subjected to or has access to
3) Performer Characteristics
- performer’s past experiences, intention, affect, physical abilities)
What is the goal of ETA?
to understand what a person can do in a particular *context
Proponents of ETA believe that a _______ movement form does not exist.
- Example: one baseball pitcher may throw differently from another yet they both achieve the same result
- Individuals will use their own optimal movements
Explain ETA & Affordance.
What an environment offers to a person in terms of action.
- Ex. children run in a gymnasium without being told because the environment affords* it.
ETA motor skills based on Functional Task Goals:
*Think LOOP
- Locomotion (get from point A to point B)
- Object Manipulation
(Use objects in activities) - Object Propulsion & Reception (moving objects towards/away from the body)
- Postural Maintenance & Orientation (position of the body)
How to use ETA to Assess Motor Skills:
(3) step process:
1) Establish Task Goal to be Assessed
- what is to be accomplished
2) Allow choices for movement solutions
3) Manipulate Variables
- affordances and constraints (conditions)
Benefits of using ETA to assess Motor Skills:
- Encourages uniqueness
- Step toward inclusion
According to ETA motor development is a result of ________ (movement problems are resolved, new movements discovered, and task goals are achieved)