Assessment Of Stuttering Flashcards
Stuttering consists of a combination of at least 5 things:
- speech behaviors
- accessory behaviors
- child’s feelings/attitudes
- parent’s feelings/beliefs
- other signs/predictors
speech behaviors
- overall % of syllables stuttered, more than 10% disfluencies
Curlee (1999) define stuttering behaviors as..
- says 10% disfluencies or 3% stuttering like disfluencies is stuttering
(monosyllabic repetitions, prolongations, pauses/blocks, tense pauses)
-2 or more iterations in repetitions
-prolongations over 1 second long and repeating a single syllable more than once
-abnormal struggle
child’s and parents feelings/attittudes
- expression or belief that speech is difficult can be diagnostic
- Impact of stuttering on preschool children and parents (ISPP)
- worried parents are usually correct
other signs/predictors
- speech getting worse over time
- child is not a very young girl
- family history of unrecovered stuttering
- more likely to keep stuttering if there is a persistent stuttering in family
- the longer a child stutters the more consistent they will stutter in one situation than others
How many kids will recover spontaneously? (1000-family study)
- 29/43 stuttered for 2 years or less
- 67% recovery
- included some treatment
How many will spontaneously recover? (Yairi and Ambrose)
75% recover during preschool years
- some may have received treatment
- shows chance of recovery decreases as time post onset increases
How many will spontaneously recover? (Kloth et al.)
Predictors of persistent stuttering
- a later age of onset (not significant finding)
- males recovered at a later age and showed lower recovery rate
- no large drop of SLDs in first year (persistent stutterers went from 11-9% in 1st year, recovered went from 11-5%)
- a reduction is associated physical behaviors within first year
- no change or increase in severity ratings during 1st year (for recovered there was a 2 pt drop)
- family history of unrecovered stuttering
Many authorities recommend starting treatment..
no later than a year post onset
Jason suggest starting treatment…
- if the parents want it
- the child is upset at all
- speech is obviously not getting better quickly
- reported time post onset in at least 2-3 months
What if the child has been stuttering for more than one year (suggestions by Curlee, Ingham, and Jason)
Curlee= start treatment Ingham= monitor monthly for 3 months, make decisions from child's data Jason= YES! TREAT! at the very least monitor every 2 weeks, collect data regarding stuttering frequency, speech rate, naturalness, and severity
goals of assessment
- identify and describe speech itself
- identify and describe all other relevant features related to the impairment, disability, and/or handicap of stuttering
- guide management decisions including during and after treatment
- describe stuttered speech
-must identify frequency (%ss), quality (naturalness), and rate (SPM)
1a. measuring stuttering frequency
- %SS
- %WS
- % words disfluent
- stuttered words/minute
- SLDs per 100 words (distinguishes types)
1b. measuring speech quality
- speech naturalness (1-9)
- 1= highly natural
- 9= highly unnatural
- this can take into account duration of stutter, severity, visual concomitants, type of dysfluencies
1c. speech rate
- transcribe and get out stopwatch
- dots and a stopwatch
- SMS-type programs
speech effort
self-rating only
1=highly effortless
9=highly effortful
Case hx: what will you ask for children?
onset, are they aware? family member that stutters? recovered? describe interruptions, reactions of childs interruptions,has it changed? more severe? discuss SL acquisition
case hx: what will you ask for adults?
how long? rule out AOD, medications, major life changes., difficult situations for them, med hx
other relevant features to assess
-attitude, emotion, cognition