Assessment Diagnosis and Intervention Flashcards
This person was one of the first practitioners in case work to concentrate on assessment and diagnosis.
Mary Richmond
Describe the biopsychosocial model of assessment.
Has three components: 1) biological component 2) physiological component 3) social component
Describe the medical model of assessment
focuses on pathology and what is “wrong” with the client
Describe the strengths perspective of assessment
incorporates how the strengths of the client will aid in empowering the client to reach their desired goals.
What is the difference between mood and affect?
Mood is described by the client in their own words. Affect is their observed non-verbal behavior.
What are SOAP notes
subjective observation
objective observation
What are BIRP notes?
tic involving obscene gestures and words
repetition of the last word or sound of another individual
repetition of one’s own words or phrases
Tourette’s disorder
involves multiple motor tics and a minimum of one vocal tic over the course of the disorder. Tics must occur multiple times per day almost every day or intermittently for more than 12 months. There should be no more than a 3 month period of being “tic free.”
Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder
Similar to Tourettes but characterized by a single or multiple either motor or vocal tics.
Transient Tic Disorder
For people who do have not previously met the criteria for Tourettes or Chronic Tic Disorder. Tics occur for a minimum of four weeks and maximum of 12 months.
What kind of medications are used to decrease the tics?
Antipsychotic and anti-hypertensive
How old does one have to be to diagnosed with encopresis?
4 years
Enuresis: Individual must be at least __ years of age. Urination must occur at least _______ over at least ___ consecutive months. Preferred medication is ________.
1) 5
2) twice a week
3) 3 months
4) desmopressin acetate (DDAVP)
What is the primary treatment for Separation Anxiety Disorder?
Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy
When can a diagnosis of Selective Mutism not be given?
During the first month of school.
What medication is found to be helpful for selective mutism?
- Fluoxetine (Prozac) and SSRI inhibitor approved for children
- more successful in younger children
Reactive Attachment Disorder: Definition
- when is onset?
- what are the two types?
- what is the typical background of the child?
- what must be ruled out?
disturbance in the ability to relate in most social situations
- before age 5
- inhibited or disinhibited
- abuse, neglect and frequent changes of caregivers
- developmental delays that are causing the disturbance
Stereotypic Movement Disorder
repetitive nonfunctional motor behavior, such as body rocking, head banging and biting which is not the result of a compulsion, tic or pervasive developmental disorder. Behavior must continue for a minimum of 4 weeks
Aricept, Reminyl, Exelon and Namenda are drugs for what disorder?
Dementia. They improve mental function.
What is the goal of treatment for someone with dementia?
To keep them safe.
What is the one substance that cannot result in a diagnosis of Substance Dependence?
What is the only substance that intoxication cannot occur with?
Polysubstance Dependence is the diagnosis given when the person repeatedly uses at least how many substances?
What is avolition?
Loss of willpower and decisiveness
What are the three phases of schizophrenia?
1) prodromal phase
2) active phase
3) residual phase
What is the biggest obstacle for people with schizophrenia?
Medication compliance
Delusional Disorder
characterized by a minimum of one non-bizzare delusion and must be evident for at least one month. Apart from the delusions, a persons psychosocial functioning is normal.
Cyclothymic disorder
characterized by rapid shifts between hypomanic episodes and depressive symptoms that do not meet criteria for major depressive episode. Symptoms must persist for 2 years (one year for children and adolescents)
anxiety in situations where it would be difficult or embarrasing for the person to escape or in which he or she might not be able to secure help (ie. if they have a panic attack). The individual therefore avoids these situations.
This type of intervention is not recommended in Acute Stress Disorder.
Single Session Techniques or Psychological Debriefings as they may increase symptoms.
Somatoform Disorders must have an age of onset before what age?
Somatization Disorder is characterized by the presence of what four symptoms?
1) Pain in at least four different parts of the body or body functions
2) At least two, non-pain, gastrointenstinal symptoms
3) at least one sexual or reproductive oriented symptoms
4) at least one non-pain pseudoneruological symptom
Conversion disorder
loss of functioning in voluntary motor and sensory functions deemed not to be fully the result of a medical condition, a substance or a phenomenon sanctioned by a culture.
Factitious Disorder
Munchausen Syndrome - repeated feigning of physical or psychological symptoms motivated by the desire to play the sick role
What is the treatment of choice for dissociative amnesia?
psychotherapy with augmentation by hypnosis or drug facilitated interview.
Dissociative Fugue
travel away from work or home that is sudden and unexpected and is accompanied by a loss of memory for the past and confusion about one’s personal identity.
What is Dissociative Identity Disorder thought to be the result of?
A traumatic experience in which dissociation is a defense mechanism.
Depersonalization Disorder
The sense of being detached from one’s body or mental processes that do not consistently occur in tandem with schizophrenia, panic disorder, acute stress disorder, medical condition or a substance. Reality testing is not impacted.
involuntary spasms of the outer third or the vagina that recur or persist and disrupt sexual intercourse and result in a significant distress or interpersonal conflict
genital pain during intercourse that is recurring and persistant and may apply to males and females.
sleep disorders that involve the activation of different physiological systems including the autonomic nervous system, the motor system or cognitive process at inappropriate points in the sleep wake cycle. ie. nightmares, sleep terror, sleepwalking.
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
characterized by a number of separate episodes in which the individual gives in to aggressive impulses resulting in serious assault or damage of property. Aggression is out of proportion to precipitating factors.
What type of medication is helpful for impulse control disorders?
What is the treatment of choice for adjustment disorder?
Short term psychotherapy to deal with the precipitating event.
Paranoid Personality Disorder
general distrust/suspiciousness of others and is more common in males
What personality disorder does a person have if they exhibit the following: believing others are exploiting or harming him in the absence of convincing evidence, questioning the loyalty and trustworthiness of others, perceiving benign remarks or events as demeaning or threatening, interpreting innocuous remarks as personal attacks, unwarranted doubts about spouse or partners fidelity
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Schizoid Personality Disorder
restricted range of emotions and a pattern of detachment from others
What personality disorder does a person who exhibits the following have: lack of interest in close relationships, preference for solitary relationships, minimal or no pleasure in activities, absence of friends or confidants, indifference to praise or criticism, emotional detachment, flat affect
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
pattern of deficits in interpersonal skills and a decreased capacity for close relationships. Cognitive and perceptual distortions and eccentric behavior are also evident.
What type of personality disorder does a person who exhibits the following have: ideas of reference (casual events have special meaning), odd beliefs or magical thinking, unusual perceptual experiences, oddities in thought and speech, inappropriate or constricted affect, odd or eccentric behavior, absence of friends, social anxiety associated with paranoid fears
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder
pattern of disregard for or violation of others rights evident since at least age 15 and the individual is at least 18 years of age.
Borderline Personality Disorder
Instability in relationships, self-image and affect as well as impulsive behavior.
What personality disorder does a person have who shows the following: frantic efforts to avoid abandonment, unstable and intense relationships, disturbance in identity, impulse behavior, repeated suicidal threats, self mutilation, unstable affect, persistent feelings of emptiness, chronic anger that the individual has difficulty controlling
Borderline Personality Disorder
Histrionic Personality Disorder
High emotionality and attention seeking behavior.
What personality disorder is characterized by the following: discomfort when not the focus of attention, inappropriate seductiveness or provocative behavior, rapid shifts in emotion, use of physical appearance to attract others’ attention, speech that is impressionistic and devoid of detail, dramatic behavior and emotion, suggestibility, perception that relationships are closer than they are in reality.
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Grandiosity, a need to be admired by others and an absence of empathy.
What personality disorder exhibits the following: exaggerated sense of importance, fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance etc, perception of being special and belief that they can only be understood by specific high status others, sense of entitlement, using others to achieve personal goals, envy of others or perception that others envy them, arrogance and haughtiness.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Social inhibition, low self-esteem, and excessive sensitivity to criticism.
What personality disorder is characterized by the following: avoidance of interpersonal relationships, guardedness in intimate relationships out of fear of being shamed or ridiculed, perception of inferiority to others, avoidance of new activities or taking risks out of fear of embarassment
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Dependent Personality Disorder
extreme need to be taken care of which leads to submissive behavior and clinginess as well as fear of separation
What personality disorder exhibits the following: excessive need for advice and reassurance when faced with a decision, need for others to take responsibility for much of their life, tendency to express agreement even when in disagreement, exhibiting problems taking on projects because of low self confidence, volunteers for unpleasant tasks in hopes of gaining nurturance, discomfort with being alone, urgently seeks replacement relationships
Dependent Personality Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
perfectionism, preoccupation with orderliness and considerable effort to control self and others, resulting in reduced flexibility, openness and efficiency.
What personality disorder exhibits the following: preoccupation with rules, details and lists, perfectionism that makes tasks difficult or impossible, excessive devotion to work, rigidity around morals, ethics and values, inability to let go of worthless or worn out items, reluctance to delegate work.
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
abnormal positioning of extremities or muscle spasms
restlessness with fidgeting, pacing
slow jerky involuntary movements or slow worm like movements of fingers, toes, hands and feet
behavior which produces or exaggerates symptoms to avoid something unpleasant (ie. work) or obtain something desirable (ie. drugs)