Asch -conformity research Flashcards
What was Asch’s aim?
To see if people would conform to a majority when given an unambiguous task
Who were the participants in the experiment?
123 male undergraduates
How many confederates sat around the table?
Define Confederate
Not a real participant
Does what the examiner wants him to do
Describe Asch’s method
Each participant was shown 18 sets of lines in total
Each confederate stated the wrong answer, participant would conform to the majority or say the right answer
How many of the trials did the confederate give the wrong answer?
What are critical trails?
The trials that the examiner is interested in
What are Asch’s results?
Critical trials - 36.8% of responses incorrect
25% never conformed
Therefore 75% conformed at least once
Evaluations of Asch’s experiment
- results may be unique to one gender and culture
- difficult for confederates to act convincing