AS FP2 : Henry VIII, relationships with foreign powers Flashcards
Describe Henry’s foreign policy between 1509 to 1514.
Henry pursued an aggressive foreign policy, particularly against France, which put him at odds against his father’s councillors who wanted him to continue peaceful relations.
[1509 - 1514]
What is some evidence of an attempt to continue peaceful relations?
The Renewal of Treaty of Étaples in 1510. It gave England the French Pension from 1492 (Extraordinary Revenue)
What are some events that confirmed Henry’s aggressive policy? [NOT including the First French War]
How successful were they?
1511 - Henry joins the Holy League against France, this is successful for Henry as he is able to keep up with the big guns of Europe and appear as a hero to the pope - who wanted to reduce French control in the Vatican.
1512 - The Navarre Affair. Henry sends 10,000 men to France to support Ferdinand (Of Spain)’s conquest of France. Henry is used as a distraction - unsuccessful as it is a major embarrassment and confirms that England is a minor power.
What were Henry’s aims for foreign policy?
Honour and Glory
To be named King of France
To make England a major power in Europe.
International Recognition
What were the events and what is the significance of the First French War?
Battle of the Spurs in 1513. England captures Tournai and Therrouane which allows for Wolsey to negotiate the Treaty of Saint-German-En-Laye to get Henry to be paid for giving up his claim to the French Throne.
Henry loses the French Pension from Treaty of Étaples.
Success - International Recognition, Honor and Glory.
[1509-1514] What and when was the Battle of Flodden?
1513 - Response to attack on France - Auld Alliance (Scotland and France) 10,000 Scottish troops killed, James IV dies it enhanced the image of the English army but weakened the Scottish.
Why couldn’t Henry exploit the Scottish situation in 1514? What did this cause?
He was bankrupt and unable to continue his aggressive foreign policy. He was forced to liquidate his assets to fund the invasion in Scotland and France - nearly causing a rebellion in Yorkshire due to high taxes.
Describe Henry’s foreign policy during 1514 to 1526.
Henry was bankrupt by the end of 1514 and couldn’t continue his aggressive foreign policy - England remained a minor power in Europe compared to France and Spain and Henry significantly overestimated the power of English Troops.
[1514 - 1526]
What happened in 1517 that isolated England?
Henry saw Francis I (The new king of France) as a personal and diplomatic rival. Therefore he attempted to make an alliance against him with Charles V of Spain however he was rejected by Charles who sought peace with France.
Treaty of Cambrai
[1514 - 1526 ]
What and when was the Treaty of London? What was its significance?
Treaty of London was orchestrated by Wolsey against the Ottoman Empire. It was a call for Europe to live under peace ; 24 countries signed ending England’s isolation and bringing instant fame to Henry. (England at the centre of European diplomacy.)
Wolsey was made Papal Legate
[1514 - 1526]
What happened in 1519 that exacerbated tensions in Europe?
Charles V of Spain also ascended to the throne of the Hapsburg Empire - Emperor of the HRE. Commanded a vast empire and inherited the imperial claim to Milan which was currently controlled by France. Bringing Charles and Francis into conflict - ending the league of cambrai.
[1514 - 1526]
What and when was the Field of the Cloth of Gold - was there any significance?
Little to no diplomatic significance.
Francis pursued Henry out of fear of Charles V - England agreed to return Tournai for a French Pension and the removal of the Duke of Albany from Scotland to keep Anglo-Scottish relations cordial.
[1514 - 1526]
Who was the Duke of Albany?
Regent of Scotland - had close ties to France and spent time in Scotland
[1514 - 1526]
What and when was the Treaty of Bruges? What was its signficance?
Wolsey negotiated it with Charles V, with the possibility of : improving relationship with the Pope, gaining land in France and a marriage between Charles V and Mary (I)
[1514 - 1526]
What and when was the Second French War? Was there significance to it?
1522 - 1525
Earl of Surrey invaded Northern France to minimal effects resulting in Wolsey having to call for more money for the grand invasion of France in the following year. Cost a fortune.
1524 - Wolsey goes behind Henry’s back to make peace with France.
How much money did Henry spend on fighting wars between 1511 and 1525?
£1.4 million
His annual income was only £110,000 a year
[1514 - 1526]
What and when was the Battle of Pavia + Significance?
Charles V crushed France at the Battle of Pavia causing him to repudiate his marriage contract with Mary as he did not need it anymore. England once again isolated and made to play third fiddle.
[1514 - 1526]
What did the breakdown of Anglo-Imperial Relations lead to in 1526?
Henry pursued a pro-french foreign policy. He offered support to the League of Cognac, coupled with the King’s great matter exacerbated tensions with Charles V.
[1514 - 1526]
What effect did the King’s great matter have on foreign policy?
Catherine of Aragon was Charles V’s aunt, making him Henry’s enemy as he did not want to see his aunt humiliated. The fact that Henry failed to resolve it diplomatically showed the extent to which England remained a minor power in Europe.
Describe Henry’s foreign policy from 1527-1540
England remained a minor power in Europe as Henry was increasingly isolated due to his domestic policies - the reformation.
Who did Henry make an alliance with in 1527 (and against whom)?
With France against HRE.
Treaty of Amiens
This was to try and put pressure on Charles to let Henry’s annulment go through.
[1527 - 1540]
What did Wolsey do in 1527 to try and put pressure on Charles V? What did it cause, why did he do this?
He placed a trade embargo on the HRE. Resulted in widespread unemployment and depression.
Wolsey was trying to resolve the King’s Great Matter diplomatically.
[1527 - 1540]
What is an example of Charles V consolidating his power over the French?
1529 - Battle of Landrio
[1527 - 1540]
What did Charles V do in Rome and why was this bad for Henry?
The sack of Rome 1527. Extremely brutal and put the Pope directly under the power of Charles. Henry had no possibility of resolving his great matter as the Pope could be killed by Charles if he agreed to the annulment. Pope’s political dependence on Charles.
Extremely unsuccessful - England a minor power.
[1529 - 1540]
What happened in 1538 that was majorly unsuccessful for Henry?
Henry was excommunicated from the Catholic Church. The Pope called for a catholic crusade against England, his catholic subjects no longer had to be loyal to Henry (Potential Rebellion) and the Treaty of Nice was signed between Francis and Charles agreeing to cut ties with England.
French troops sent to Scotland. Potential Invasion. Never came to fruition as the relationship between Francis and Charles once again broke down.
Describe Henry’s foreign policy between 1540 and 1547.
Reverted back to his aggressive foreign policy that characterised his early years ; perhaps by a desire to create a united British Isles, to achieve Military Glory or to punish James V for harbouring rebels, marrying French princesses or ignoring pressure from Henry to break with Rome.
[1540 - 1547]
Why was it expected that James V would reject a truce with Henry?
He actively pursued a pro-french foreign policy, marrying Mary of Guise and Madeline of Valois (French noblewoman and princess respectively).
[1540 - 1547]
When was the battle of Solway Moss? + Significance
James V of scotland dies and his daughter, Mary Queen of Scots [ 1 week old ] is left on the throne. It was an immediate military success for England.
[1540 - 1547]
Describe the events following the Battle of Solway Moss.
What were the Rough Woo’ings? Why did they occur?
Henry could have taken advantage of the weakness of Scotland but his aim was to invade France, he therefore tried to arrange a marriage between Edward and Mary QoS in the Treaty of Greenwhich but this was heartily rejected by the Scots.
As a result Henry sends the Earl of Hertford into Scotland in 1543, raids are carried out in Edinburgh, Leathe and St.Andrews - Buildings burnt indiscriminately and people killed. Antagonising Scotland greatly.
[1540 - 1547]
Was Henry’s later foreign policy towards Scotland a success or a failure?
It was unsuccessful, he failed to establish peace with Scotland or receive any glory as he had no power there and only antagonised the Scots further.
[1540 - 1547 ]
Describe the third French War.
Henry makes an Anglo-Imperial alliance with Charles V. However Henry betrays Charles ( presumably as revenge for the Navarre Affair) and captures Boulogne for himself. Charles is fed up with Henry and signs the Treaty of Crépy with Francis. England was once again under pressure after France sends troops to Scotland with the possibility of invading England.
Nevertheless, French fail to recapture Boulogne and they sign the Treaty of Ardres in 1546 - Henry kept Boulogne and was promised the renewal of payments of pension money from the French, if all of it was paid Henry would return Boulogne.
[1540 - 1547]
How many men did Henry lead to Calais in 1544?
[1540 - 1547]
How much did the Third French War cost?
[1540 - 1547 ]
How did Henry finance the Third French War?
Mass sale of monastic lands, debasement of coinage, large scale borrowing on the Antwerp money market.
Describe Henry’s foreign policy towards Ireland and its effects.
Earl of Kildare Rebellion, English Authority imposed but not fully because of a lack of money.
What were some of the overall successes of Henry’s foreign policy?
The First French War
The Battle of Flodden
The Battle of Solway Moss *Sort of
The Treaty of London
The Capture of Boulogne
What was the major downfall of Henry’s foreign policy?
Expenses, Henry never had enough money this led to rebellions and an inability to exploit situations.
What were some of the overall failings of Henry’s foreign policy?
Excommunicated - Catholic Crusade
Almost invaded twice
England remained a minor power in Europe
Peace of Calais
Sack of Rome
Henry’s domestic policies affected his foreign policy.
What is some proof that England was a minor power in Europe?
Treaty of Cambrai - 1517
Sack of Rome - 1527
Unable to resolve Great Matter Diplomatically
No major allies / alliances
Failed to make marriage alliances
Navarre Affair 1512
Treaty of Greenwich 1543