AS 17 - Intro GPS 3 Flashcards
Review Questions
What does the carrier tracking loop adjust for?
Doppler shift due to the relative motion of the satellite and receiver.
Review Questions
What carrier frequency band(s) is the C/A code broadcast on?
L1 Band
Review Questions
What carrier frequency band(s) is the P code broadcast on?
Both L1 and L2
Overall, GPS error is a combination of which two types of errors?
Measurement of the distance from the satellite to the receiver
Having less than perfect fix geometry
The error, measurement of the distance from the satellite to the receiver, is also known as what?
User Range Error (URE)
The error, having less than perfect fix geometry, is also known as what?
Dilution of Precision (DoP)
URE error comes from which sources?
Satellite, ground control segment or the receiver.
Describe the Satellite clock drift error.
It is the error associated with each individual satellite.
Satellite time is updated every 8 hours, so the error should not exceed 2 meters 95% of the time
What is responsible for Control Segment Errors? What error will it produce?
Inaccurate ephemeris data caused by inaccurate positioning of the satellite by the ground station.
Will give errors up to 2.5 m 95% of the time over an 8 hour period
What errors make up the largest portion of UREs?
Receiver errors
What is the largest overall cause of GPS error?
Atmospheric modeling
What is atmospheric modeling?
When the GPS signal undergoes refraction as it passes through the ionosphere and troposphere.
The refraction increases the path length, generating an error.
Total URE for the P code and C/A code is expected to be what?
P code: up to 6.6m 95% of the time
C/A code: up to 13.9m 95% of the time
Describe Multi-path error, how is it similar to the Atmospheric Modeling error?
Occurs as the GPS signal is reflected off other surfaces before reaching the User Segment antenna. Similar in that it increases the path length of the signal, inducing errors.
What causes the Dilution of Precision error?
Having a fix geometry less than 90°
True or false
While airbourne, we are concerned with 2 dimensional position error
False, while airbourne, we are concerned with 3 dimensional position error.
DoP is considered to be a coefficient of ____, 95% of the time.
How is total system accuracy calculated?
DOP x URE = Total system accuracy, 95% of the time
What is the total system accuracy for the P code?
2.54 x 6.6 = 16.8 m, 95% of the time
What is the total system accuracy for the C/A code?
2.54 x 13.9 = 35.3 m, 95% of the time
How does a sequential receiver work?
They have at least one channel and track a single satellite then switch to the next satellite.
A multiplex receiver has how many hardware and software channels?
Normally two hardware and multiple software channels.
A multiplex receiver can sample four satellites in how much time?
20 milliseconds
Describe a Continuous Receiver
Has four or more channels that allow for continuous tracking of four or more satellites.
What does a Differential GPS use to eliminate errors associated with GPS?
Ground reference stations.
How accurate is DGPS?
Accurate to 1m.
What are the two DGPS systems?
LAAS and WAAS are what type of systems?
Ground and space
LAAS focuses its service where?
Airport areas.
How does the LAAS communicate and what does it communicate?
Its communicates with the plane via a BHF radio data link from a ground based transmitter and it broadcasts airport corrections and data for error bounding.
What kind of approaches is LAAS used for?
Standard RNAV approaches
What specifics are not required with LAAS?
No specific pilots qualifications
No specific frequencies need to be dialed up
No unique aircraft equipment needed
What is required with a LAAS, but not WAAS?
RAIM checks
What does the WAAS network consist of?
A network of approximate 25 ground reference stations.
Describe the process for any corrections noted by the WAAS.
Signals from the GPS satellites are received by ground reference stations.
These signals are evaluated for errors, if any are found a correction message is sent to a geosynchronous satellite via a ground uplink system.
The message is then broadcast on the same freq as the GPS signal to any receiver onboard an aircraft within the WAAS coverage area.
Signal> Ground Reference Receivers> Geosynchronous Communication Satellite> Receiver aboard AC = correction received
What are some caveats with WAAS?
Aircraft must have a WAAS capable FMS
Both pilots must be qualified to fly a WAAS enabled RNAV approach
Specific channel is required.
Where would a specific WAAS channel be found?
GPH 200, in top let corner of plate
Is a RAIM check required for a WAAS?
If WAAS is unavailable, what is the default?
The CT 142 GPS has which type of receiver?
Single channel rapid sequencing C/A code receiver
What does the Emulated GPS receive inputs from?
Aircraft GPS (UNS-1C)
Inertial Reference Unit
What inputs does the Aircraft GPS (UNS-1C) provide the Emulated GPS?
Px Time Satellite information System status Altitude G/S Ground Track
What inputs does the DADC, via the IRU, provide the Emulated GPS?
What does the Emulated GPS provide the User Interface?
Px Time Satellite info Altitude Ground track Ground speed TAS
True or false
The six emulated GPS aboard the CT 142 are capable of initialization, data entry and navigation. Additionally, it maintains its own database of nav info.
True or false
The emulated GPS does not represent the actual status and current data of the aircraft GPS.
False, it does
Regarding the Emulated GPS, 3 satellites provides:
Altitude info no longer available
Regarding the Emulated GPS, 2 satellites provides:
Lat/Long not available
GPS not available, revert to degraded ops
What happens if the GPS has failed?
GPS position becomes erratic and varies randomly with large errors.
Time on NTS still operates
Review Questions
What is URE?
User range error
An error in the measurement of the distance from satellite to receiver
Review Questions
Regarding URE, what are the sources of error for satellite, control and receiver errors?
Satellite: Time error Control: Ephemeris Receiver: Ionosphere Troposphere Multipath
Review Questions
What is DOP?
Dilution of precision (less than perfect geometry)
Review Questions
What is the largest source of error for GPS
Receiver: Atmospheric refraction and modeling