Articulations: Selected Articulations in Depth Flashcards
Name the 2 ligaments of the acromioclavicular joint
- acromioclavicular ligament
- coracoclavicular ligament
What helps to deepen the concavity of the glenoid cavity in the glenohumeral joint?
the glenoid labrum
Name the 4 major ligaments of the glenohumeral joint.
- coracoacromial ligament
- coracohumeral ligament
- glenohumeral ligaments
- transverse humeral ligament
injury that can occur from swinging young children by their arms
subluxation of the head of the radius from the anular ligament
what typically happens to the joint when a finger is “jammed”
joint dislocates posteriorly, where there is no ligamentous support
What part of the coxal joint is very similar to that of the glenohumeral joint?
the acetabular labrum
What is the largest and most complex diarthrosis of the body?
the knee joint
What is meant by varus deviation?
hyperadduction of the lower leg, part distal to the joint is abnormally angulated towards the midline of the body
ligament in knee that prevents varus deviation
LCL-lateral collateral ligament
collateral ligament that is NOT attached to the meniscus
collateral ligament that IS attached to the meniscus
ligament in knee that prevents valgus deviation
MCL-medial collateral ligament
What is meant by valgus deviation?
hyperabduction of the lower leg, part distal to the joint is abnormally angulated away from the midline of the body
stabilizing ligament on from surface of knee that prevents the knee from collapsing inward
ALL-anteriolateral ligament
C-shaped fibrocartilage pads located on the condyles of the tibia
medial meniscus and lateral mensicus
When the knee is extended, this cross-shaped ligament is pulled tight and prevents hyperextension
ACL-anterior cruciate ligament
When knee is flexed, this cross-shaped ligament is pulled tight and prevents hyperflexion
PCL-posterior cruciate ligament
tibia rotates laterally to tighten ACL and squeeze meniscus between tibia and femur. this accomplishes what?
locking the knee
what ligament is frequently torn in knee dislocations?
transplantation of tissue from person who is genetically different
tissue transplant from one site on a person to a different site on the same person
tissue transplant from genetically identical person
syngenetic graft/isograft
tissue transplant from an animal into a human
stretching or tearing of ligaments without fracture or dislocation of the joint
what may result from an overeversion sprain?
a Pott fracture
when the posterior talar process appears a separate ossicle in an adult and they suffer a traumatic event
os trigonum syndrome
high ankle sprain/ disruption of interosseous membrane that holds distal ends of tibia and fibula together
syndesmotic ankle sprain
movement of plantar surface (sole) medially
movement of plantar surface (sole) laterally
ligament on medial side of talocrural joint that is incredibly strong and rarely tears
deltoid ligament
ligaments on the lateral side of the talocrural joint and where they pass relative to the malleolus of the fibula
- anterior talofibular ligament (anteriorly)
- posterior talofibular ligament (posteriorly)
- calcaneofibular (lateral) ligament (inferiorly)
most common cause of ankle sprains
excessive inversion
what is a “nutcracker injury”
os trigonum and surrounding soft tissue is crunched between the calcaneus and the talus and tibia (like and almond in a nutcracker). can lead to inflammation
surgical joint replacement
What joint replacement surgery has the shortest recovery time? longest?
shortest is total knee, longest is total shoulder
What other ligament of the knee joint is commonly injured by the same forces that would injure the ALL?
What other ligament of the knee joint is commonly injured by the same forces that would injure the medial meniscus?