Article Stuff Flashcards
So what have heavy metals got to do with anything
Cause activation of microglial immune cytokines
What has glutamate got to do with anything
Causes activation of microglial cytokines
What determines severity of autism?
The stage at which the immune/excitotoxic stress caused by activation of microglial and the consequent release of cytokines, ROS and excitotoxins - brain dysfunction
An excess of extraneural glutamate
Can interfere with neuronal migration patterns, differentiation and synaptic development - abnormal brain architecture
Activation of NMDA receptors by excessive glutamate
Brain cell death usually occurs
- impaired uptake if glutamate by glial transporters
* regulated by NF-κB
TNF-α induces
- IκB dégradation pathway
- triggers NF-κB nuclear translocation
- represses glial transporter
- elevates extracellular glutamate
- increases risk of glutamate toxicity
Dopamine dégradation causing neuro inflammation
Dopamine dégradation - ROS (toxic)
Dopamine cyclized o-quinone -> dopamine cyclized o-semiquinone -> NADPH depletion + o2 -> oxygen superoxide + dopamine-cyclized o-quinone
Dopamine dégénération
O-quinone + cysteine residues on glutathione/proteins -> cisteinyl-dopamine conjugates.
-> N-acetylcysteinyl dopamine thioether - apoptosis of dopamine cells
norepinephrine deficiency
GAD functional connectivity
reduces resting-state functional connectivity between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex
Sustained threat
- Corticotropin-releasing factor is released from the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus into the primary capillary plexus if the hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system
- Stimulates synthesis of propiomelancortin by the anterior pituitary
- Synthesis and release of cortisol from kidneys
- Shuts down hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal glands
Sustained threat and anxiety
Dysregulation of the neuroendocrine system that contributes to anxiety
Cyanobacteria genetically edited
- Increases production of polyester polyhydroxybutyrate
- Elevates proteins implicated in glycogen catabolism, oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis
Oxidative pentose phosphate pathway
degradation of glucose-phosphate
SigE activates
sugar catabolic genes - enhances acetyl-CoA and citrate - metabolic engineering
polyesters stored by bacteria as carbon and energy stores - biodegradable
SCFAs have an anti-inflammatory effect
Propionate - reduces stress and increases reward pathway
a beneficial, protective effect of the SCFA propionate upon the BBB, mitigating against deleterious inflammatory and oxidative stimuli.
Dengue fever and yellow fever virus
metalloproteinases, serine proteinases, potassium channel-binding neurotoxins, protéolytic enzymes, cytotoxins, neurotoxins, cardiotoxins, phospholipase A2s
heterodimeric protein (PLA2-CB and crotapotin)
Specifically for Dengue
- Hydrolyse outer phospholipid layer, accumulating FAs and LPLs
- Enhances permeability; disrupts lipid order and active crystalline state
- Déstabilises the virus
- Drive the membrane to a highly disordered state
Elapid venoms:
- Interact will lipoproteins - shrinkage
2. Destroy cells
L-amino àcid substrates:
FADH2 + molecular oxygen - hydrogen peroxide
Destroys lipids présent in higher concentration on tumour cells