Article 8 Evaluation Flashcards
I- What is Article 8?
The right to respect for family, private life, home and correspondence.
Balance between individual and community.
I-Margin of appreciation
Amount of discretion the ECHR will give state.
I-Living instrument principle
State has positive obligation to review law and change if necessary.
I-Living instrument principle case
Qualified right A01
Need to strike a balance between rights of individual and community.
What is a qualified right usually balanced with?
Article 10
Qualified right A03 Positive
Balance rights of individual with community.
Check state interference is proportionate with margin of appreciation.
Keep law under review with living instrument.
Qualified right A03 Negative
Several reasons it can be restricted.
Often in conflict with other rights.
Court has to use proportionality and decide on facts which can be contradictory.
Family Life A01
Includes various types of family relationships.
Right of a child will always be paramount.
Removing a child from family needs to be proportionate.
Removing a child from family needs to be proportionate case
Family life A03 Positive
Wide definition and under living instrument so recognise families take different forms.
Right seen as important so protected.
HRA principles of Human dignity and freedom are protected.
Recognise families take different forms example
Same sex marriages
Right seen as important so protected
Family life A03 negative
Having boyfriends did not stop uk refusal of application of two woman living in the Uk illegally.
State has power to take children which the ECHR does not intervene with.
refusal of application of two woman living in the Uk illegally case
Private life A01
Includes photographic images and personal data.
Includes phone conversations.
Includes Medical records.
Photographic images and personal data
Phone conversations