Arms Flashcards
Section 2
FIREARMS - Shot, bullet, missile or other projectile - by force of explosive - adapted to discharge - not capable at time but after completion/replacement/correction/repair.
AIRGUN - By the use of gas or compressed air.
IMITATION - Appearance, whether its capable or not.
PISTOL - One hand and less then 762mm.
RESTRICTED - Governor General - Grenades & launcher.
EXPLOSIVE - Dynamite & TNT
Military Style Semi Automatic
Licence - 0 to 16
No licence, but is able to use firearm under immediate supervision of the owner
Licence - 16 to 18
Requires licence - needs parental permission
Licence - 18 and +
Does not a licence for air gun but does for firearms
Licence Categories
A - Full licence - Possession and use of conventional FA
B - Pistols - Owner must be member of Pistol Club
C - Collection, restricted weapons & theatrical
D - Dealer
Licence holders must:
Licence must be - legible and undamaged.
Produce it on demand.
If the don’t, got 7 days.
Change address, 30 days to notify.
Report ASAP, in writing, circumstance of any theft, loss or destruction of FA.
Report ASAP. circumstance of death or injury.
Section 40
Demand details, name - address - DOB
Section 40 (2)
Refuse to give details, warn then arrest.
Section 45
Offence to carry or possess a firearm without lawful, proper and sufficient purpose.
Possession means - knowledge and physical control.
Section 45 Offence
Except for some lawful proper and sufficient purpose.
Carries OR Is in possession of.
Firearm OR Airgun OR Pistol OR Restricted W OR Explosives.
Section 66
Any arms - Person in occupation of any land/building or the driver - you are deemed to be in possession - unless proven otherwise.
Section 46 & Offence
Unlawful Carrying of Imitation FA. Offence: Excess for some lawful proper and sufficient purpose. Carries. An imitation FA.
Section 48 & Offence
Discharging FA without reasonable cause.
Without reasonable cause.
A FA OR Airgun OR Pistol OR Restricted W.
In or near a dwelling house OR In or near a public place.
So as to endager property OR So as to endanger any person OR So as to annoy any person OR So as to frighten any person.
Section 52 (1) & Offence
Presenting a FA - threaten, scare or intimidate.
Except fo some lawful and sufficient purpose.
FA OR Airgun OR Pistol OR Restricted Weapon.
At any other person.