Arm muscles Flashcards
What are the motions of the Pectoralis minor
Scapula depression, protraction, downward rotation and scapular tilt
What are the motions of the serratus anterior
Scapula protraction, upward rotation
What are the motions of the levator scapula
scapular elevation, downward rotation
What does the subclavian muscle do
What are the motions of the rhomboids
scapular retraction, elevation, downward roation
What are the motions of the upper trapezius
Scapular elevation and upward rotation
What is the motion of the middle trapezius
Scapular retraction
What are the motions of the lower trapezius
Scapular depression, upward rotation
What are the motions of the pectoralis major
shoulder adduction, medial rotation, horizontal adduction
What are the motions of the coracobrachialis
Stabilizes the shoulder joint
What are the motions of the anterior deltoid
Shoulder abductions, flexion, medial rotation, horizontal adduction
What are the motions of the middle deltoid
shoulder abduction
What are the motions of the posterior deltoid
shoulder abduction, extension, hyperextension, lateral rotation, horizontal abduction
What are the motions of the subscapularis
Shoulder medial rotation
What are the motions of the supraspinatus
Shoulder abductions
What are the motions of the infraspinatus
Shoulder lateral rotation, horizontal abductions
What are the motions of the teres major
Shoulder extension, adduction, medial rotation
What are the motions of the latissimus dorsi
Shoulder extension, hyperextension, medial rotation, adduction
What are the motions of the teres minor
Shoulder lateral rotation, horizontal abduction
What are the muscles of the brachialis
Elbow flexion
What are the motions of the brachioradialis
Elbow flexion
What are the motions of the biceps brachii
Elbow flexion, forearm supination, assist in shoulder flexion
What are the motions of the pronator teres
forearm pronation, assist in elbow flexion
What are the motions of the pronator quadratus
forearm pronation
What are the motions of the supinator
forearm supination
What are the motions of the triceps brachii
Elbow extension
What are the motions of the anconeus
assist in elbow extension
What are the motions of the flexor carpi ulnaris
wrist flexion, ulnar deviation
What are the motions of the flexor carpi radialis
wrist flexion, radial deviation
What are the motions of the palmaris longus
assist in wrist flexion
What are the motions of the extensor carpi radialis brevis
Wrist extension
What are the motions of the extensor carpi radialis longus
Wrist extension, radial deviation
What are the motions of the extensor carping ulnaris
Wrist extension, ulnar deviation
What are the motions of the flexor digitorum superficialis
flexes the MCP + PIP joints of the fingers
What are the motions of the flexor digitorum profundus
Flexes all finger joints, (MCP, PIP, DIP)
What are the motions of the flexor pollicis longus
Flexes CMC, MCP, IP
What are the motions of the abductor pollicis longus
Abducts the thumb CMC
What are the motions of the extensor pollicis brevis
extends the CMC and MCP of thumb
What are the motions of the extensor pollicis longus
extends all 3 thumb joints (CMC, MCP, IP)
What are the motions of the extensor digitorum
extends all 3 finger joints (MCP, PIP, DIP)
What are the motions of the extensor indicis
extends all 3 joints of D2(index)
What are the motions of extensor digit minimi
extends all 3 joints of D5 (pinky)
What are the motions of the flexor pollicis brevis
Flexes CMC+ MCP
What are the motions of the abductor pollicis brevis
Abducts the thumb CMC
What are the motions of the opponens pollicis
Opposes the thumb
What are the motions of the adductor pollicis
Adducts thumb CMC
What are the motions of the Dorsal Interossei
Abducts fingers at the MCP
What are the motions of the Palmer Interossei
Adducts fingers at the MCP joints
What are the motions of the Lumbricals
Flex MCP, extend PIP + DIP
What are the motions of the flexor digit minimi
Flexes CMC + MCP of D5
What are the motions of the Abductor digit minimi
Abducts the MCP of D5
What are the motions of the Opponens digit minimi
Opposes D5