arm and forearm Flashcards
Bony points
medial/ lateral epicondyles of humerus olecranon process head of radius radial shaft radial styloid/ dorsal tuberosity of radius ulna shaft ulna head/ styloid
Elbow joint
- hinge joint
- radial collateral ligament and ulnar collateral ligament = strengthen the joint during flexion/extension
- contains many bursas (fluid filled sac to act like a cushion to reduce friction during moving surfaces
superior and inferior radioulnar joint
- pivot joints
- pronation and supination
flexor carpi radialis
A: flex, abduct the wrist
O: common flexor tenon
I: bases of 2nd/ 3rd MC
N: median
palmaris longus
A: Tense palmar fascia, flex the wist
O: common flexor tendon
I: flexor retinaculum
N: median
flexor carpi ulnaris
A: flex, adduct the wrist
O: humeral head: common flexor tendon, ulnar head: post surface of prox ulna
I: Pisiform, hook of hamate, 5th base MC
N: ulnar
flexor digitorum superficialis
A: flex the 2nd – 5th fingers and flex the wrist
O: common flexor tendon, ulnar collateral ligament, ulna coronoid process and pro shaft of radius
I: sides of 2nd/3rd middle phalanges
N: median
extensor carpi ulnaris
A: extend and adduct the wrist
O: common extensor tendon
I: base of 5th MC
N: radial
extensor carpi longus and brevis
A: extend and abduct the wrist
O: Longus: lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus, brevis: common extensor tendon
I: Longus: base of 2nd MC, Brevis: base of 3rd MC
N: both Radial
extensor digitorum
A: extend the 2nd-5th fingers
O: common extensor tendon
I: bases of middle and distal phalanges of 2nd-5th
N: radial
extensor indices
A: extend the 2nd finger
O: distal 1/3 of posterior ulna surface
I: 2intermediat/distal phalanges of 2nd digit
N: radial
extensor digiti minimi
A: extension of little finger
O: lateral epicondyle of the humerus
I: bases of intermediate/distal phalanges of the 5th finger
N: radial
(thumb) abductor pollicis longus
A: abduct, extend the wrist
O: posterior surface of radius and ulna
I: base of 1st MC
N: radial
(thumb) extensor pollicis longus/brevis
A: EPL extends IP joint // EPB extends the MCP joint, CMC joint, abducts the wrist
O: longus: posterior surface of ulna, brevis: posterior surface of radius
I: longus: base of distal phalanx of thumb, brevis: base of proximal phalanx of thumb
N: radial
biceps brachii
A: flex the elbow and shoulder, supinate the forearem
O: short head: coracoid process, long head: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
I: tuberosity of radius
N: musculocutaneous
tricep brachii
A: extension of the elbow and extension/adduction of the shoulder
O: long: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula, lateral: post/prox half of humerus, medial: post/distal half of humerus
I: olecranon process
N: radial
A: flex elbow
O: distal 1/2 anterior humerus surface
I: tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna
N: radial
A: flex elbow
O: prox 2/3 lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
I: radial styloid process
N: radial
basilic - originates from dorsal venous network of hand, ascends the medially (combines with brachial veins = axillary vein)
cephalic - originates from dorsal venous network of hand, ascends antero-laterally
(empties to axillary vein too)
brachial and radial
Ulnar nerve
- C8-T1
- brachial plexus - medial aspect of upper arm - passes posterior to med epicondyle of humerus - give rise to articular branches - pierces FCU/ deep muscles alongside ulna - superficial to flexor retinaculum
Terminates into deep/ sup cutaneous - motor: FCU, FDP, hypothernar, adductor pol, 2 medial lumbricals
- sensory: palmar/ dorsal cutaneous/ superficial branch