Arm Flashcards
Describe the general characteristics and functions of the upper limb
The upper limb includes the shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand. It is characterized by its mobility and its ability to grasp and manipulate.
What are the major functions of the shoulder and elbow regions?
To position and stabilize the hand
Where is the scapulothoracic joint?
Not a true joint, but rather a fascial plane on the scapula
What is retraction?
To pull towards midline
Which muscles are responsible for the scapula’s retraction?
Trapezius and rhomboids
What is protraction?
To move away from midline
Which muscles are responsible for scapula protraction?
Serratus anterior and pectoralis minor
What is elevation?
To raise superiorly
Which muscles elevate the scapula?
Traps, levator scapulae, and rhomboids
What is depression?
To lower inferiorly
What is responsible for depression of scapula?
Gravity, pectoralis minor, traps
What is scapular rotation?
To point glenoid fossa more superiorly (superior rotation) or more inferiorly (inferior rotation)
What is responsible for scapula superior rotation?
Trapezius and serratus anterior
What is responsible for inferior rotation of scapula?
Gravity, rhomboids, pectoralis minor, arm adductors
What kind of joint is the sternoclavicular joint?
Synovial; rarely dislocated (clavicle fracture more common)
What is the only articulation of the upper limb with trunk?
Sternoclavicular joint
What does the sternoclavicular joint do?
Limit movement during rotation, elevation, depression, protraction, and retraction
What do the anterior and posterior sternoclavicular ligaments do?
Anterior and posterior reinforcement of capsule
What does the interclavicular ligament do?
Limits depression of arm
What does the costoclavicular ligament do?
Limit elevation
What does an articular disc do?
Divide joint cavity into two separate synovial lines cavities (increases mobility and acts as a shock absorber)
What is one of the most commonly broken bones?
Clavicle; medial portion is usually elevated by sternocleidomastoid and latter is usually depressed by weight of shoulder