Aristotle 3 Flashcards
- Explain the difference between voluntary, involuntary, and nonvoluntary action (Ch. 1).
Voluntary: Done willingly fro the right reason. Can assign praise or blame. person has initiative and is aware of the circumstances ( acts due to passion and appettite.
Involuntary: under constraint and ignorance
nonvoluntary: hen you are under extreme constraint when you do bad action and do not have to feel pain or remorse.
- What is choice? Explain the difference between choice and wish (Ch. 2).
Wish: is for the impossible not within our agency is the desire for a specific end.
Choice: is voluntary action proceeded by deliberation. when we choose something obtainable and within our agency (not opinions) based upon things we know to be true
- Define and explain deliberation (Ch. 3).
Deliberate: we deliberate only things that we control. considering different actions to get a desired result. We do not deliberate exact sciences because we know what actions will yield the result.
- Is ignorance sufficient to avoid punishment? Why or why not? (Ch. 5)
No because ignorance can result from a decision. aka choosing to drink and then being intoxicated and hurting someone. Or they chose to be ignorant and not learn.
- What is courage? Why is this virtue so important to Aristotle?
between cowardice, and recklessness. Courage is when a man acts in spite of his fears, for the right motive, at the right time, in the right manner. Courage’s end is noble. Courageous people act in the mean/ median. It takes courage to know and act courageously.
level of pain
- What is self-control? Why is this virtue so important to Aristotle?
Self Control: are people who recognize and desire the things they should and act in the median, not in excess or deficiency.
level of pleasure